Sunday, April 21, 2002

I'm back, my fellow minions. This weekend has been pretty stressful. As I said in the previous post, the bill of rights dress rehearsal was on Thursday. It was scary. We were filmed and we could see ourselves on the giant TV screen behind the judges ("I just can't get over the giant image of myself. Oh, the possiblities.") That was incredibly distracting. Plus, we get to see the resulting video in class for critique. Joys. Youth Leg was this weekend also, and that went to hell. I guess it was a good experience but I wish I knew what to expect so I could prepare better. But. It's over, and I am happy. Now. Two more weeks until the D.C. trip. Here's to hoping that I don't jab my eyes out beforehand.

I gotta finish up some homework... but... for your viewing pleasure (from Tina):

You’re Michelle Branch! You’re the ‘girl nextdoor’ type of gal. You’ve got a down-to-earth feel about you, and you’re not afraid to be original. You’re still trying to find yourplace in life, but that doesn’t mean you’re not enjoying the trip. Rich and famous? Sure! But you’re not gonna let that go to your head.

What Kind of Pop Princess Are You?

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