=) That was you-know-who. It's only today. It needs to be next Wednesday at 10:30. That's when exams are over. Maybe I should just not come to school on my English exam day... and so my teacher will give me my semester average for the exam grade like she did last semester. (I had to miss last semester because of snow days... and I was in Taiwan when they had exam make-up days.) But. If it was next Wednesday, that means I'll be leaving in 5 days. And thats no good. So maybe it's a good thing that today is today. DC was great tonight... Andy comes back... and Pacey skips out on graduation day and leaves to go to the Caribbeans. Oh yeah. David came over tonight too... as you can tell. And I wasn't asleep poopy. Wait. Yah I was. Kinda. Blahh.
I've been downloading a bunch of Dave's unreleased stuff... the Lilywhite Sessions. It's fabulous. I'm listening to it right now. As usual. You know what another good song is? Foo Fighters - Walking After You. Mmm... yummy music. Wait no. Not yummy.
I want to go swimming. But I'm too lazy to walk to the other pool. So I'm not going swimming. My third hair dryer broke this morning. Stupid stupid stupid. Why are they doing that to me? I'll turn it off for 2 seconds, and when I turn it back on, nothing happens. Argh.
If I had some eggs... I'd have some eggs and ham... if I had some ham. Heh. I'm weird. And my leg itches. Go away itchies. Wah.
I was looking through some notes that Esther wrote me from the beginning of the year... they're funny. That was when we were in the realm of singledom. And we talked about how much we wanted boyfriends. Then we talked about boys we've liked before. (Bad. Bad. Choices.) Then I saw a list we made of boys that liked her, and a list of boys that liked me. She had 12 or so... and guess how many I had... one. Well one and a half, if you include stalkerboy. But you know what? One is all I need. =) All I want anyway... So screw Esther and her 12 (figuratively speaking of course...). I like my one.
Wednesday, May 16, 2001
Brought to You By
9:55 PM
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