Monday, August 30, 2004

What a weekend.

Three nights in a row? Not so much.

I got the ugliest purse at Target on Friday. It's fucking ridiculous. What possessed me to buy it, I'm not sure.

This picture does this purse absolutely no justice. But here it is, in all it's glory.

So. I think I've still got *it*... right?

Thanks to everyone who came out to our carwash on Saturday. We really appreciate it.

Bye, bye memory. (And so it begins...)

Much thanks to Julie, Phuong, Vivian, Joy, Tam, Grace, Loraine, Mark, Ralph, GB, BXO, ZBT, DKE, and PKA for a fun-filled and memorable (uhm, or not so memorable) weekend.

Zetas + Joy at the GB/BXO party. Picture stolen from Julie, more to come later.

And even though everyone else has already posted these up on their prospective Xangas, I am obligated to post them here as well. Come rush ASR and blah blah, you know the rest.

Boing. Boing.

And mark this on your calendar, folks. We're throwing a party on Friday, September 17th at Club Exodus and we hope to see you there.

Flyers created and uploaded by Vivian

Okay. I'm going to bed. But before I do, lettme ask you a question. Would you let me skeet in your mouth?

Friday, August 27, 2004

Dear Mr. Time Warner,

        Despite providing me with excellent cable television, your internet service provided by Road Runner is sub par. Ever since school started, I can't seem to stay connected to the web for prolongs periods of time. As a result, I cannot check my e-mail account to see if Brad Pitt has replied to my 2038th e-mail asking him to break up with Jennifer Aniston (Hi, Brad. Call me!), I am unable to satisfy my obsessive desire to check other people's Xangas and Blogs, and most importantly, I get kicked off of AOL Instant Messanger repeatedly, most of the time when I am in the middle of an engaging conversation with strangers in sex chat rooms. Do you have any idea how much I loathe being kicked off of the wonderful technology of Instant Messaging? Do you have any idea how much it pains me to look at my computer in the morning only to discover the usual instant messages I receive are replaced by a hideous error window that says tauntingly, "You are attempting to sign on again too soon. Please try again later." You have inconvienced me, greatly, Mr. Warner sir. I highly advise your stupid cartoon bird to fix this problem immediately before I flip my shit and personally go over there and cut off your face.

                                       Love always,

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Classes started today. And I already want to cry.

I've decided on never attending my Chemistry class on account that I don't understand a word that comes out of my professor's mouth. [No, not because the class is hard. But because she has a horrible accent.]

Passing out flyers sucked just as much as I remembered it to suck.

Nip/Tuck Season 1 is over. Joy and I are extremely sad.

I can't wait for the Sprint tower to be put up.

[Hahaha. There's your damn shout-out.]

Richand and Ian are back! Aww, I miss the Floor 13 days at Dobie.

This post is lame to the max. Sorry. Eat shit.

I'll now leave with some pictures of what will happen to you when you get drunk and pass out first amongst a group of friends people.


Sunday, August 22, 2004

As if I haven't already posted enough pictures, here are some more:

Vivian's Birthday, Part II
[After much frustration, yelling, and wanting to run things over with my car, we finally decided upon EZ's for dinner. Something good and cheap. And won't feel too bad coming back up by the end of the night.]

Me and Vivian as we were heading out.Vivian and MichaelThe girlsDoing what we do best: being stupid.Stephanie, Phuong, and JulieMe and StephanieHahaVivian and LawrencePretty Julie and Phuong
Pictures stolen from Julie

As for the rest of the night...

  • Much thanks to Joy for mixing us drinks. And to Vivian - I hope you liked the shots we had lined up for you when you got back. Especially the Appletini.
  • Mmm. Stoli Vanilla and Coke. Mmm.
  • I love you, Sivan. Sorry I wasn't very coherent when you called.
  • A cop told Julie he could have arrested her for moving the barracks. Ha ha. Oops.
  • Exodus was fun. This was the first time I actually spent more time at a table/by the bar than actually dancing on the floor.
  • Alcohol + Period (haha, ew) = Emotionally-trainwrecked Tammy. Thanks, Stephanie for listening to me bitch and moan even though you couldn't really understand what I was saying.
  • Mmm. Three Legged Monkey. Mmm.
  • For those of you who saw what I did at the club - Please don't let me do it again. Shame on me.
  • Michael is cool. Thanks for being our DD.
  • Meeting neighbors is fun - Yay for 204!
  • I got thrown into the pool for the first time in my life. Vivian for the second time in 24 hours.
  • I outdrank Phuong??? And I didn't end up over a trashcan/toilet too? How did this happen?
  • Stupid boys and stupid drama. Hey! Did you know that talking smack doesn't make your balls any bigger? Seriously. Get over yourselves. Egotism isn't attractive.
  • Julie and Phuong. Wow. That's all I've got to say about that.
  • I finally passed out around 6am.
  • Stephanie go BOOM! I mean, Stephanie go bye-bye this afternoon. I'll miss you, fartface. Come back and visit soon, and maybe my bed can eat us together again. Uhh... Bye.

    Of course, this list says nothing about what really went down that night. My brain still can't process just what the hell happened, but let's just say it was one of those nights that I'll never forget (ahem, unlike some people). Hope you had a good birthday weekend, Vivian, despite all the drama.

  • Friday, August 20, 2004

    Happy fucking birthday, bitch!

    I love you.

    Please don't kill me in my sleep after what we did to you tonight.

    [Pictures. Oh so funny pictures, coming up later.]

    The night started off at our beloved Trudy's.

    The boys: Pat, Alex, Daniel, and Gary.Phuong and Vivian.The girls: Julie, Vivian, Phuong, Joy, Stephanie, Tammy.Julie and Vivian.Joy trying to rape Stephanie's mouth.Kisses for Vivian because we love her.Me and Stoopid.*Muah*I'm a pimp from the West side. Not really, but I try.Vivian with Alex and Daniel.Phuong's infamous nose face.Stephanie's infamous... weird... face.Joy's infamous cute face.Hahahah. Oh how I love these girls.Tammy's infamous tongue-out face.Awwwww.Big face Stephanie.Gangsta Vivian.Best. Face. Ever.Joy showing off some self-lovin'.Gangsta Joy.Vivian eating Phuong's boob.Julie and Phuong eating Vivian's boobs in return. What can I say? We love knockers.Stephanie showing off her amazing talent - smoking through her nostrils.Me giving the birthday girl a birthday kiss.Joy doing the same thing. (Boys, don't get too excited now. These were very innocent pecks).Me lighting one up for Vivian.Yay!The girls outside of Trudys.Zetas are the bomb-diggity.

    After Trudy's we blindfolded our birthday girl. Afterwards, Julie and Pat drove Vivian around to confuse her, while Phuong, Joy, Stephanie, Gary, and I went back to our apartment and armed ourselves with chocolate cupcakes topped with ungodly amounts of whipped cream. We were ready for action.

    Vivian being blindfolded in the parking lot.Right after Julie pushed her into the pool.Vivian getting out of the pool.Aww. We're so mean. But hey, love is pain, man.Vivian got Julie back by pushing her in as well.Julie and Vivian sharing the last un-thrown cupcake.Hahaha. Yay! We done good. Love us?Look at all the cake under my nails. Yum!
    [All pictures courtesy of Joy.]

    Anyway. Vivian - hope you had a good 19th birthday thus far - part II tomorrow? Okay!