Sunday, February 27, 2005

Congratulations to Terence and Suzy!!!

Looks like I'm gonna be an aunt. Good thing I love children so much...

Anyway, congrats, you two. :D

Thursday, February 24, 2005

My whole mouth hurts. Wahhh. :(

I think my wisdom teeth are coming in.

My gums hurt. Bad.

It hurts to eat and it hurts to talk.

I had to take out my tongue ring because it kept irritating the roof of my mouth.


Make it go away.

I hate teeth.

But I love my new lil sis, Julie. Welcome to the Shih Dynasty! Woo hoo!

Yay! I love you, girl. :D

Sunday, February 13, 2005

So that last post definitely made it into my top 5 best posts, EVER. Man, I'm awesome.

That Friday night was crazy, indeed. I had a great time out on 6th Street (whoa! I never thought I'd ever say that) with the ladies (minus you, 311). Although being 21 for a night was fun, it came with some repercussions.

Oh like, I don't know. Like, maybe losing my apartment and car keys. AGAIN. Wow, I so totally lose.

Isn't that sad? I have no keys. But thank you, Julie for letting my borrow your spare to our apartment, and HUGE thanks to Phuong for letting me borrow your car for these next few days until I get a new set of keys to my car.

Oh, and I've decided I'm the biggest make-out whore in the history of the universe. But I digress.

So anyway, busy Tammy is back. I have to juggle my time between ASR with work and school. It's actally not that bad. Well, at least that's what I say now. Get back to me in a couple of weeks after I've gouged my eyes out with rusty spoons. But hey, sure beats sad, mopey Tammy-who-never-wants-to-leave-her-room-because-she's-too-busy-wallowing-in-her-own-pool-of-self-pity, right?

Sign of insanity:
its tamzilla: i speek english very good, ya know
sweet tea addict: asian does not equal english
sweet tea addict: you kids and yoru chicken scratch
sweet tea addict: yoru. that's gotta be asian for something, yeah?
its tamzilla: yeah i thinkos
its tamzilla: thinkos is asian too
sweet tea addict: neat
sweet tea addict: yoru thinkos.
sweet tea addict: what did I just say?
its tamzilla: something about how mussolini came into power
its tamzilla: wtf
its tamzilla: what is wrong with me molly
sweet tea addict: hahahahaha
sweet tea addict: you're a tool
sweet tea addict: you dated a tool for so long, that you became one
Oh, AP European History, what have you done?

It's been fun seeing my favorite Ian and Richard again. Just like old times at Dobie. Now all we need is the nympho who lived next to them, Sarah, thirsty Thursdays, and bad cafeteria food and all will be set.

Work is... well, work. Nothing could beat my old job with Grand China where I got paid $8.50 for sitting around while reading Harry Potter. Now, I actually have to, you know, do stuff. But the people I work with definitely make the experience a hell of a lot more enjoyable. We have similar interests and the same sense of humor. So basically, they don't think I'm weird, which is a feat in itself. Plus, it's always great to make fun of customers behind their backs. I've also found out that the mall is quite possibly the worst place to work at for someone who has a impulsive shopping disorder.

Oh, and I'm totally going to be broke this semester. Ah, the perks of being a big sis.

Yes, I'm going to LA for Spring Break. I mean, unless something goes terribly wrong from now until then, I should be going. I am sorry to those I said I'd go to South Padre with, but uhmmm Padre... Malibu... Padre... Malibu... Sorry, Malibu wins, hands down. Besides, I'd be visiting my best friend whom I haven't seen in over a year. But, if all goes to plan, I'll be back in Austin on March 17th, which means that you people need to come back by the 19th. Cause you know... it's a Saturday, and Saturdays... are fun? :D

Tomorrow is eVil-Day. It's gonna suck having to spend it single this year. I'll probably end up wallowing in the fact that I'll never find a good boyfriend ever again, and I'm never going to get married, and I'm going to die a sad, lonely, and miserable old woman. At least I've still got my hot date lined up, so I'm excited. And to the rest of you who have dates as well? Here:

Date - I'll be expecting some herpes, so don't forget to bring them.

Okay that's enough fun for one night. I'm going to pass out now. I shall leave you all with the prettiest picture taken of me this semester.

Haha. I am for sure the hottest ASR girl out there.

Saturday, February 12, 2005


this shawwlll be my frist drinken post, EVER.

so tonights i had a mind eraser and a bahmaasa mamna and two kamakazies and a smirnoff oie and it DFUCKED ME UP.

But i hdad a good gtime with my fwarborite Phuong and julie. But i missed you, 311 bvivian. :( i wish you were therew toooo.

xddrrrunkkkk... hahahha

hrmm... so i knoww i;m totasslhy going to retgret this poast tomorrow. oops, oh welll...

by thew ay, i'm going to LA for sprinwg break to visit my bwest freisntd in the wohloe world SIVAN, because i lovewer her and shes' pretty like whoa.

sorry to thouise i said i'd go to souwth padrew with. but sivan wins.

goodnight. i love you.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

I think that a bulleted-list of word vomit has been long overdue, don't you?

  • Thanks to all you guys who came out to our party last Friday. You all definitely helped us pack a club.
  • Mmm, IHOP after a night of partying is still as good as I remembered.
  • What is it with guys who play girls and treats them like shit? No good.
  • Wal-Mart will become the death of me, I swear. I go in thinking I only need one thing, but end up leaving with 37. Damn you, WallyWorld. But hey, at least they have cool pinatas:
    I can't decide if I like Hello Kitty or SpiderMan better. And... is that supposed to be Scooby?

  • Law & Order: Special Victims Unit is a damn good show. I'm addicted.
  • Work is fun. But I hate kids. Ooooh how I hate them.
  • I spent Fat Tuesday with Phuong, Julie, Richard, and Michael out on 6th Street defending ourselves from flab-nasty men. No, I will not flash you my boobs for one strand of beads, are you kidding? [But thanks to Richard and Ian for giving us tons of beads, even without making us flash you for them.]
  • Congratulations to our new Iota pledge class - Eileen, Julie, Tien, Jody, Erica, Anne, Amanda, and Serena! Make us proud, ladies.
  • Valentine's Day is next Monday. Oh goodie, an annual reminder of my sad and lonely existence. At least I've got a hot date this year. :D
  • Did everyone have a good Chinese New Year? Eat lots? Get money? Vivian's mom came into town and brought us a ton of delicious food. Mmm, yum. I especially liked the note she left me on my dry-erase board:
    Haha, this reminds me of when my mom used to always say 'Be careful drive'.

    In case you can't read that, it says "Tammy, Tomorrow - Handyman will culking the bathtub. Please unlock the bathroom. He will come 9:30am. Thanks, Mrs. Wu." I just think it's funny because it's written above "Vivian sucked my cock. Julie"
  • No more sagging?? Gee, and I thought Hillsboro was strict about that rule. [Link via Sivan]
  • I've missed eating ridiculous amounts of food with Phuong and then passing out on her futon afterwards. Thanks, Julie and Phuong for making me yummy-yummy food. now, Bitch, make me a sandwich.
  • Thursdays and I have a love/hate relationship. I hate them because I have three shitty shit classes that are 1 1/2 hours each. But I love them because Thursdays are my new Fridays. No class tomorrow. Woop!
  • I'm going to Cirque du Soleil's Varekai when they come to Austin. I'll be in Section Cat 1, so if you're willing to pay $63 bucks to sit by me (which I know you'd want to), let me know. Because hey, if you're gonna see CdS, might as well really see it, right?

    Hrm, I could say that I promise I'll update more from now on, but don't count on it.

  • Wednesday, February 2, 2005

    I have just been informed that today is Danny's birthday. So to my favorite Danny in the whole world - Happy Birthday! I love you like whoa. :D

    My nutrition class is probably the most depressing class I have ever taken. For an hour and a half, this is all I hear:

    "Don't eat dry bran because it can cause blockage in your large intestine, and then you can DIE."
    "If you don't get enough calcium, you can get osteoporosis, and then you... DIE."
    "Make sure you get enough servings of each food group in the food pyramid, because if you dont, you might not get the necessary nutrients, and that means you could DIE."
    "I knew this woman who was a diabetic, and she ended up getting gangrene on her foot and they had to amputate that leg. Then, she got another infection on her other foot, so they had to amputate that leg too. Then she DIED 2 years later."


    So the moral of this story is, "Eat well, stay fit. DIE ANYWAY."

    So in other news, I got a job. In the mall.


    Hahahaha. Loser.

    Well hey, at least it's not Hot Topic.

    So today was my first day working. And the first thing that the manager had me to was pierce the sales supervisor's ear. It was a pretty nice way to break me in, if I do say so myself.

    Anyway, it's going to be nice having some extra money in my wallet. Hopefully, I'm not gonna be as broke as I was last semester.

    Oh yeah, before I go, ASR is throwing yet another superyduper party this Friday night at Spiro's. Try to make it out if you can. Cause really, what else are you gonna do?

    Come out, come out, wherever you are.