Saturday, February 25, 2006

I'm going back home in two weeks for my Spring break.

When The Mom told me that she bought me a plane ticket home a couple weeks ago, I was disappointed to say the least. It was my Spring break! I had big (okay, not really) plans to go somewhere and get shitty for a week straight. I could have gone to:

Pros: Uhm... it's fuckin' Vegas. And I would have probably gone with Sivan, whom I haven't seen since the summer after Senior year.
Cons: Chances are, I'd gamble away my money... and my soul.

Pros: Closest Spring break "Hot Spot" to Austin. It's only about a 7 hour drive (no plane ticket!) and it's 30 minutes away from Mexico.
Cons: I'd more than likely do something illegal in Mexcio and not be able to return to the US.

Pros: Only about an hour away from Austin, in a nice little lake house. And if the weather permits, you can go Sea-Dooing!
Cons: Even if weather permits, the water will be so cold that you won't be able to feel your body for an hour after you go out. Also, starting our drunk-fest at 11 in the morning can't be good for my liver. Oh, and uh, no sexual marathon this time around.

Pros: Road trips with friends are fun!
Cons: First of all, it takes at least 6 hours just to get OUT of Texas. Then you can either go into: New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, or Lousiana. BOOORING.

Pros: Shit, it's the cheapest thing I could possibly do. And 6th Street is always a crowd pleaser.
Cons: 6th Street isn't going to be fun if THERE IS NO CROWD TO PLEASE. I'm pretty sure all of my friends are going somewhere for Spring break, and I sure as hell ain't going downtown by myself. Cause then I'd be no different than one of those creepy gross Hispanic guys who go to bars alone to check out cute girls.

Then I realized that I'm the biggest alcoholic in the world. So maybe it's a good thing that I'm going home this year - spend a week in detox. HAHA. Okay, I'm not that bad, I promise. I actually am pretty excited about going home now because you all know how much I love Nashville. And the more I think about it, I see that there are more pros to going home than cons, since I know that A.) I'll be safe, B.) My liver can take a break, C.) I probably won't spend any nights in jail, D.) Emily, Molly, Esther, and Mike will be there, E.) I won't be sexually harrassed by 40 year old men, and F.) Free stuff. Besides, family always comes first in my... uh... family.

A visual demonstration, in case you don't understand:

I get to see these sexy ones.

And more importantly, this beautiful one.

But unfortunately, not these hot ones.

That all being said, I'll be returning to Austin on the 18th. And all you bitches need to be here because I'm turning the big 2-1 (or, 2-3, according to my ID), and I'm going out big this year. I'M GOING TO TAKE 21 SHOTS. Okay, that's a lie, since we all know that I'll be done after two.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

There's a number of things I could be doing right now, such as:

1. Wash my clothes/sheets.
2. Watch women's Olympic figure skating.
3. Deep-condition my hair.
4. Pluck my eyebrows.
5. Re-organize the pictures on my walls. [Yeah, pictures of ex-boyfriends? Not so good.]
6. Study.
7. Return my already-a-week-late movie from Blockbuster.
8. Come up with a scheme for world-wide domination.
9. Figure out a way to put up my Texas vs. USC poster without it falling down 10 days later.
10. Buy milk from 7-11.
11. Brush my cat.
12. Organize the hundreds of pictures on my computer into folders.
13. Find out how I can get Colin Farrell to do to me what he did to Nicole Narain in that sex tape of his.
14. Take out my eyebrow piercing.

But, since I'm such a rebel, I choose to fill out MySpace surveys and put them here instead to create a painfully long post that you're probably not gonna read anyway. Are you excited? Cause I am!

Ten people I enjoy the company of:
1. My cat.
2. Phuong.
3. Mike.
4. Emma.
5. Lindsey.
7. Emily.
8. Molly.
9. Kelli.
10. Richard.

Nine things I want to do before I die:
1. Go skydiving.
2. Trip on acid and watch a light show.
3. Go see Lion King on Broadway.
4. Fall crazy in love and get married.
5. Become successful.
6. Have sex with Eminem.
7. Tell everyone I love that I love them.
8. Read the 7th Harry Potter book.
9. Join the Mile-High Club.

Eight random things:
1. I might be going to New Orleans this weekend for Mardi Gras. Here's to hoping that A.) Someone doesn't wind up in jail, B.) Someone doesn't wind up in the hospital, C.) Someone doesn't get severely man-handled, or D.) Someone doesn't get their shit stolen.
2. I'm loving my new hair color more and more each day.
3. Maynard James Keenan [lead singer of Tool and A Perfect Circle] has an amazing voice.
4. I secretly adore Kelly Clarkson. She's my guilty pleasure.
5. I have candles lit in my room right now.
6. My Lambda pledge class fuckin' rocks.
7. I don't like my nose.
8. I love my job, but I actually hate helping people. Which is why my managers usually have me working on visual stuff now.

Seven things on my mind:
1. God, my split ends are out of control.
2. I can't wait until I get to go home for Spring break. I miss my mom.
3. Whatever happened to Craig David? He was kinda cute...
4. How the fuck am I gonna get my nose stud out?
5. I wonder what my roommate could have cooked tonight to make our apartment smell like this.
6. Is The Rabbit really all that it's cracked up to be?
7. Fatty, why are you so fuckin' fat?!

Six items I touch every day:
1. My toothbrush.
2. Hercules.
3. The keyboard to my laptop.
4. My hair.
5. My cellular device.
6. Myself.

Five things I do everyday:
1. Shower... or at least I try to.
2. Sleep too late.
3. Check your blog/Xanga.
4. Eat too goddamned much.
5. Make plans to become the Queen of the Universe.

Four things I can't live without:
1. My friends.
2. Fatty.
3. My mom.
4. Burt's Bees chapstick.

Three things I think of when I wake up:
1. "Jesus fuckin' Christ, I'm hungry."
2. "Fatty, get off my face. And stop licking your anus."
3. "What time is it?"

Two of my favorite foods:
1. Potatoes!
2. Sushi.

One person I love more than any other:
1. Momzilla.

[What year was it?] 2002-2003
[What were your three favorite bands?] Dave Matthews Band, Radiohead, and Dungeon Family.
[What was your favorite outfit?] Diesel jeans, Power Rangers t-shirt, and Old Navy flop-flops.
[What was up with your hair?] Yeah seriously, what was up with my hair?
[Who were your best friends?] Sivan, Esther, Mollsey, Carly, Emma, Emily, Schmoopie, Fathead, David.
[What did you do after school?] Skip AP Euro and go to Molly's house to watch movies and bake cookies.
[Where did you work?] Grand China, baby.
[Did you take the bus?] Never have.
[Who did you have a crush on?] Sparky. HAHA. (Oh Molly, you know that's funny.)
[Did you fight with your parents?] Not really. Momzilla and I were really close.
[Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on?] Orlando Bloom, Angelina Jolie, and Dave Coulier.
[Did you smoke cigarettes?] No.
[Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your locker?] Uhm. It was senior year, did ANY of us carry books around?
[Did you have a 'clique'?] Kind of.
[Did you have "The Max" like Zach, Kelly, and Slater?] Unfortunately, no.
[Admit it, were you popular?] Sure, why not?
[Who did you want to be just like?] Buddy Jesus
[What did you want to be when you grew up?] A... ham... burger?
[Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now?] Here.

A - AVAILABLE?: Unless it's to get a massage, then no.
B - BEST FRIEND: Sivan, Phuong, Jesus.
C - CRUSH: Yo mama.
D - DOG'S NAME: No dogs. Just my smelly cat - Hercules.
F - FAVORITE BAND? Aww there's too many. I don't want to say one and hurt the other ones' feelings.
G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS? Uhmm, bears. For sho'.
H - HOMETOWN: Nashville!
I - INSTRUMENT: Mechanical pencils.
K - KIDS: Fuck that.
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Austin, TX --> Nashville, TN
M - MILK FLAVOR? Chocolate, otherwise, I hate milk.
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: Only my brother - ToolKit.
O - ONE WISH: To be happy for the rest of my life no matter where I am, who I'm with, or what I'm doing.
P - PHOBIAS: Spiders, people touching my neck, things with gross textures, catching on fire again.
Q - FAVORITE QUOTE? "Approach love and life with reckless abandon" - The Dalai Lama
R - REASON TO SMILE: Everyday I'm alive.
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Depeche Mode - Dream On.
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 11:37 am.
U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: I like to sleep in my underwear.
V - VEGETABLE YOU HATE: Onions. Bleeech.
W- WORST HABITS: I am the biggest procrastinator in the world. I also bite my nails.
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD? A... few?
Y - YUMMY FOOD: Potatoes are my favorite! So are sushi, chocolate, Flaming Hot Cheetos, cereal, and fruits that can't be found here in the states.
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Pisces.

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? God, I'm in dire need of a shower. And what is going on with my hair?
2. How much cash do you have on you? 27 cents. Boo.
3. What's a word that rhymes with "DOOR"? Roar!
4. Favorite planet? Magrathea
5. Who is the 5th person on your missed call list on your mobile phone? Jessica
6. What is your favorite ring tone on your phone? Low Rider
7. What shirt are you wearing? A J. Crew gray Favorite Tank.
8. Do you "label" yourself? Only when name-tags are needed?
9. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing? Reef
10. Bright or Dark Room? Dark
13. What were you doing at midnight last night? Watching TV, because what else would I be doing?
14. What did your last text message you received on your mobile say? "Wheres the meeting at?"
15. The closest 7-11? 26th and Guadalupe... so like, 5 blocks away.
16. What's a word that you say a lot? "Like".
17. Who told you he/she loved you last. My mommy.
18. Last furry thing you touched? Fatty. The cat, not the Richard.
19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days? Beer, Rum, and Vodka... mmm.
20. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed? No film, but I do need to get about 200 digital pictures printed out.
21. Favorite age you have been so far? 18, definitely.
22. Your worst enemy? Time.
23. What cigarettes do you smoke? I stopped.
24. What was the last thing you said to someone? "Hi, baby!" to my cat.
25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly which would it be? A million bucks.
26. Do you like someone? Yesh.
27. The last song you listened to? Jimmy Eat World - Hear You Me

I'm done. I swear.

Friday, February 17, 2006

If "a picture is worth a thousand words", I wonder what those words would say about me.

Wow. Just... wow.
Click for the full effect. Do it.

Okay, seriously? I really wonder how I have friends.

Just kidding, I'm the cutest person in the world, and you know it.

In other news, Phuong dyed my hair last night. I finally got rid of that horrible brassy color I've been sporting around for the past few weeks months. Look how pretty my hair is now!

Quack.Yay! My highlights show through!:D

Too bad my hair isn't pretty enough to negate the fact that I take the fugliest pictures, EVER.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Man, I love these bitches:

ASR terrorizes the Chili's in San Antonio. Whee!

Especially these:

Yeeaaah, I don't know why we're squatting either.

But mostly this one:

Why can't we just take a goddamn normal picture?

And last but not least, my little ones:

Yay for our new Lambda Pledge Class! Yay for being their pledge mom!

Sunday, February 5, 2006

This is absolute GENIUS.

Sorry, Asian/Indian/White guys, but we Asian girls LOVE the black cock.

[Stolen from Tina, via Harry]

Thursday, February 2, 2006

All I want for my 21st birthday this year (which is in 45 days, by the way) is a ticket to Bonnaroo.

I would give you my undying love and my first-born.

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

I finally uploaded my tonight. I've had a least 3 (out of 6!) of my loyal readers tell me that they actually like my little radio over there to your right. So I'm gonna keep that up there from now on, and never speak of the atrocity that is a "Tagboard" ever again.

If you could care less about my awesome music, then move along. But if you're cool, which I know you are, here's a run-down of my playlist.

VHS or Beta - You Got Me: They sound like a mix of The Cure, Depeche Mode, and Daft Punk, if that's possible. I had a hard time choosing one song off their "Night on Fire" CD cause the whole album is really good.

Fiona Apple - Tymps (The Sick in the Head Song): Yay! Fiona (we're on a first-name basis now) finally released an album that could match up to Tidal. This is my favorite song solely for the line, "The red isn't the red we painted, it's just rust". By the way, do you know what a Tymps is?

Talib Kweli - Just to Get By (Remix): It's like the original, only better because it's got Kanye.

Nine Inch Nails - All the Love in the World: God. Marry me, Trent Reznor.

Damien Rice - Volcano: I can't get over how incredible this man's voice is. Shit, he could be talking about wanting fuck the eye-socket of my rotting corpse for all I care, and it would still sound amazing.

The Shins - Caring is Creepy: I like how I can't understand a damn word he's singing, but can still love it everytime J.Crew plays this song (which is a lot, mind you) on our stereo. Plus, it reminds of one of my favorite movies - Garden State.

John Legend - I Can Change: John Legend makes playing piano HOT. And it's got Snoop D-O-Double-Gizzle, which makes it 10 times hotter.

The Postal Service - Recycled Air: Yeah, yeah, everyone knows I love The Postal Service. Surprise!

Phoenix - If I Ever Feel Better: David Lee sent me this song awhile back. Listening to it puts me in a good mood. Which is ironic because the lyrics aren't supposed to.

Ben Folds - Gone: Another Ben Folds song, because no other musician makes me wish I still played the piano more than this man right here.

Jamie Foxx - Extravaganza: So I typically have an utter disdain for R&B music, but this little punk-ass that goes by the name of Mike Levy, sent me this CD. Since then, I've transformed into a fuckin' pussy who listens to lovey-dovey bullshit like this. But in all seriousness, it actually *is* a good song. And he gives props [be it a one-night-stand or not] to girls from Tennessee. Woo!

Weezer - Tired of Sex: Too bad I'm not.

Gwen Stefani - Hollaback Girl (Remix): Yeah, I know. This song is so last year. But it's a good remix and you won't be disappointed, I promise. Besides, we all know you're not sick of B-A-N-A-N-A-S quite yet.

Jack Johnson - Banana Pancakes: I actually downloaded this song because I thought the name was cute [not unlike how I buy certain foods because I think the packaging is cute]. But the song is actually just as adorable as the name itself! OMGLOLO!!!1! No really, lookit:
"But baby, you hardly even notice
When I try to show you
this song It's meant to keep you
From doin' what you're supposed to
Like wakin' up too early
Maybe we could sleep in
I'll make you banana pancakes
Pretend like it's the weekend now"

Wahhh! I want to sleep in and eat banana pancakes and pretend it's the weekend too! Uhmm... Mike?

My Chemical Romance - The Ghost of Me and You: Hah. It's my one bad mainstream/TRL/radio song. I pretend to hate shit like this, but deep down, I'm actually pretty fucking emo. Excuse me while I cut my arms while bitching about my sad and pathetic existance on LiveJournal now.

Cassie - Me and You (Wait Remix): Little Steve sent me this last week and I still can't stop listening to it. I can't help but secretly enjoy the Whisper Song, so how can I not secretly enjoy this as well?

That's that. Jesus, I'm boring. I have nothing else to talk about except for music?? Boooo.

And to Danny - I blame you for my compulsive downloading behavior now. I dedicate this playlist to you.