Wednesday, February 2, 2005

I have just been informed that today is Danny's birthday. So to my favorite Danny in the whole world - Happy Birthday! I love you like whoa. :D

My nutrition class is probably the most depressing class I have ever taken. For an hour and a half, this is all I hear:

"Don't eat dry bran because it can cause blockage in your large intestine, and then you can DIE."
"If you don't get enough calcium, you can get osteoporosis, and then you... DIE."
"Make sure you get enough servings of each food group in the food pyramid, because if you dont, you might not get the necessary nutrients, and that means you could DIE."
"I knew this woman who was a diabetic, and she ended up getting gangrene on her foot and they had to amputate that leg. Then, she got another infection on her other foot, so they had to amputate that leg too. Then she DIED 2 years later."


So the moral of this story is, "Eat well, stay fit. DIE ANYWAY."

So in other news, I got a job. In the mall.


Hahahaha. Loser.

Well hey, at least it's not Hot Topic.

So today was my first day working. And the first thing that the manager had me to was pierce the sales supervisor's ear. It was a pretty nice way to break me in, if I do say so myself.

Anyway, it's going to be nice having some extra money in my wallet. Hopefully, I'm not gonna be as broke as I was last semester.

Oh yeah, before I go, ASR is throwing yet another superyduper party this Friday night at Spiro's. Try to make it out if you can. Cause really, what else are you gonna do?

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

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