Find out what your name really means in various shapes and forms...
Hobbit Name [Mine: Orangeblossom Frumblefoot of Bywater]
Rock Star Name [Mine: Leather Daddy... My favorite one is my friend Ali's: Magnetic Cheeks - Haha]
Wu Name [Mine: Officer Stinkah - Awww Yeeeah]
First Name Meanings
Name Anagrams [One of Mine: Met My Chang]
Is your name on the Funny Name server?
Your Drag Queen Name:
First name ---> Your first pet's name
Last name ---> Your mother's maiden name
[Mine: Little Flower Chia...]
Your Star Wars Name:
First name ---> Take the first three letters of your last name + the first two letters of your first name
Last name ---> Take the first two letters of your mother's madien name + three letters of the city where you were born
[Mine: Che-Ta Ch-Tai ~ That rules]
Wasn't that fun? Now run along and go do something useful with your life. No wait. That's what I should do.
Wednesday, October 10, 2001
Brought to You By
2:56 PM
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