So Chinese school royally sucks. I planned on going straight to bed once I got home but nooo... I still have Chinese homework to do. I had a theme to draw out... but I forgot what it was so I just made something up. I used to think that oil paints were messy. But oh how wrong I was. Pastels are so goddamn dirty. I officially hate them now. The little colored dust gets everywhere and I'm so tempted to blow them away but then all my stuff will get dirty. And pastels smear so easily, so if I accidentally touch my drawing, my purple will mix into my yellow, making this doodie color. Thank God for fixative. It looks kinda neat now though. But I know it will have nothing to do with what I really had to do. Whatever. They're making me go there an hour early so they shouldn't complain. I get to fold and hand out our newspaper! Whee! The students were to each write an article and submit it to the highest level Chinese class = the editors = us = Tammy, Amy, Tina, Megan. You might think it's easy, cause everyone already has an article and all we have to do is just put it together, right? NO. First of all, this newspaper was actually supposed to be due at the end of October, but has been pushed back until 3 weeks ago. No one would have turned anything in if we hadn't bitched at them about it for a good couple of months. So mostly everyone turned one in. Great. Except. Everyone wrote like, 3 sentences. Meaning, if we put them in just like that, our newspaper would be about a page long. So the editors spent a good 16 hours adding more to each article, proofreading, re-proofreading, typing it into the computer, printing it out, re-re-proofreading, going back and changing it on the computer, making a layout, put the articles together according to the layout, printing it out, re-re-re-proofreading, scanning pictures, adding the pictures to the newspaper, and proofread it yet again. I had a nose bleed I was having so much fun. I don't see how people at the Tennessean do this every day. My favorite part was making the comic though. We called it "The Adventures of the Newspaper Crew." It rocks. But I think only the editors would find it somewhat amusing, because there are some inside jokes. My stick figure drawings are so awesome. Just you wait. I'm going to be famous for them.
"Gird your loins!!" - Words of wisdom from my Biology teacher
Saturday, January 5, 2002
Brought to You By
1:52 AM
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