Rar. I'm at Esther's right about now. Typing up homework. Yay fun yay. Today was my AP English exam. I got up at around 5:30 because Carly was coming to get me at 6:15 so we could meet up with Heather at Waffle House for breakfast so I'm all tired. Blah. The exam was... okay. We had to write three essays, and by the third one, I could really not care anymore. It was basically talking about this dude who had a conversations secretly taped and then sent to a radio station. He was talking with one of his friends, you know, just goofing off, and saying things that he nornally would not say in public. So everyone looked down on this guy, who's supposed to be a guy with some prestige, and they think pretty poorly of him. But then they thought that *that* wasn't the major scandal, it was the fact that someone taped a private conversation. So what I had to write about was whether or not private and public enviornments should be combined or be separate. And.. yeah. So I talked about Bill Clinton and the whole Monica problem. "Because Bill Clinton was the president, the head of state, he should have had more responsiblity in his actions, be a good role model, and exert certain values and morals that we as citizens should posses. Unfortunately, in our society today, morals are shot to hell." Then I went on bashing our society and how corrupt people can be, but that doesn't mean that people have the right to violate our privacy rights. I had fun. Anyway... one exam down, 4 more to go. The hardest one is gonna be tomorrow.
Friend: "I bet there are lots of new Christians around US History exam time. If they didn't believe in a God before, they sure as hell are praying to one now."
Thursday, May 9, 2002
Brought to You By
2:41 PM
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