So it's been a while. And I think I'm feeling better... overall. But that's mainly because I've been keeping myself busy doing stuff and going out. Not sitting and sulking around at home. So I guess that's a good thing. Then again, I could just be avoiding and pushing aside what I don't want to think about and then it's gonna come back one day and hit me really hard. But we'll see if that happens.
I take it as many of you don't really know what went down to cause such unhappy previous posts. And.. well, Boy that I've dated for over a year and a half and I broke up. It was an unexpected thing, but was mutual. Sorta. It was pretty much about college and that whole ordeal. I still love him more than anything though, and I feel kinda, well... rejected. So it's been pretty rough, but... I'm dealing. Like I said, I've been keeping busy to avoid thinking about it. And it's been working pretty well recently. So I guess I'm okay for now. Just hope that I can stay this way...
I went bowling tonight. I have not been bowling in about 3 years. And I used to always refuse to bowl because the last time I did, my fingers got stuck in the holes and it hurt a lot. Plus, I bowled like, a 21. That is an embarassing record low. But tonight I went with 5 other girls who all weren't that great at bowling either, so we all just goofed off a lot and laughed at each other. I also saw a girl who I used to be best friends with in 3rd and 4th grade, and exchanged phone numbers. Most embarassing part of the night: at 10, all of the lights were turned off, and the blacklights were turned on ("Cosmic Bowling"). And at first we thought it looked really neat because all of the white colored clothes were all glowey. Then I looked down at my clothes and quickly became horrified. My bra was undeniably glowing through my shirt. You see, the shirt I was wearing was kinda see-through, but you can't tell under normal lighting. However, once the blacklights were turned on, the white bra was brightly shining through. I ended up borrowing a sweater from my friend, but then I was terribly hot and my armpits were itchy. Nonetheless, I had a good time. It was fun. And I bowled a 93 (which, by the way, was not the lowest score of the night).
Let's see... what other stuff has happened... Oh yeah, we *finally* got our senior lunch back. Oooh yeah. One hour, off campus lunch. Everyday. So of course, we are all going to be doing this for about a week, then we realize that we have become broke and cannot afford to eat out anymore. But we won't think about that as of now. I'm just glad that I have the option of leaving school for an hour and do whatever I want. So. All is well. ^_^
Oh yeah, I almost forgot (like I did last week) the Friday Five:
1. What is your biggest pet peeve? Why? There's a few but I think the biggest one would be stupid people. The kind of people that when they say something, you think, "Why do you ever open your mouth? How are you allowed to speak?" Thankfully, there aren't too many of those people in my classes. I also hate it when people are ignorant and close-minded.
2. What irritating habits do you have? Oh goodness, where would I begin? Let's see... I burp and blow them at people, I bite my fingernails, I drool when I sleep, I take the stickers off of fruit and stick them on my sink, I can be over-sarcastic, I whine a lot, I cry a lot, I eat a lot, I tend to randomly break out into song and dance (either "Baby Got Back" or "Mr. Sandman" or the "Three's Company" theme), and I say "like" and "you know" too much, like, you know? I'm sure there a a million more that people find annoying. Tell me? So I can try unsuccessfully to correct them?
3. Have you tried to change the irritating habits or just let them be? Yes, I've tried. But nothing usually good comes from it. I apologize!
4. What grosses you out more than anything else? Why? There are lots of things people do that gross me out. But some of them are just plain funny, such as farting. People who eat poop are kinda gross. Umm... People who smoke disgusts me. Well, not the people themselves, but just the whole idea of smoking. It's unattrative, unsexy, it smells bad, and it's killing you. Blech. Oh, and I gross me out a lot as well.
5. What one thing can you never see yourself doing that other people do? Hrm... like I said, smoking. Ummm... I'm not really sure what else. I usually would like to try everything once. So... Yeah.
My mom gave me this long lecture when I got home from bowling about how the foods that I eat now will kill me. She gave me this long list of things that I should do to prevent from getting heart disease and all that good stuff. Here are some of the stuff that she told me to do:
*Don't eat fruits that are seedless. No seedless grapes? I'm sorry, but I am too fucking lazy to eat grapes with seeds in them.
*Don't drink pure water, mineral water is better. What the hell? It's WATER.
*For all of your meals, half of it should be cooked, the other hafl should be uncooked.
*Fasting is good for your body, do it once a week. Hell no. I love food too much.
She told me some other ones but I had already zoned out thinking about a peanut butter fudge milkshake from Sonic. Those things are absolutely amazing. I told my mom that life is too short to try to eat non-tasty foods. We're all gonna die someday, so why not enjoy all of the yummy foods in life, right? Plus, I'm acutally exercising now, so it can't be *that* bad.
Someone searched for "penis size rating" and ended up here. Hrm... Don't have much to say about that.
Anyway, I should end this mammoth of a post. I also need to go on to bed because my friend and I are going out to breakfast at 8:15 in the morning. Yay Waffle House!! I will leave you all with the other part of the "I love you Kitty": Singing Kitty #2. This one gives me the willies.
Saturday, September 7, 2002
Brought to You By
12:16 AM
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