Thursday, October 10, 2002

I have this skirt that makes me look like I have a penis. You see, it's a cute short jean skirt that I got in Taiwan, but the way it folds at the crotch area makes me look I have a serious boner. I've worn it pleanty of times before but I didn't notice it until about 2 weeks ago when I was walking down the stairs at school and I looked down and thought, "Holy crap, I have an erection!" I spent the rest of the day showing it off to people =) I only mention this because I wore that skirt today and had quite a number of my friends yell, "HEY! IT'S THE PENIS SKIRT!!!"

Uh oh. I bet there are going to be some dirty google searches that link to this site now. BRING IT ON, BABY!!!

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