It's been a few days. And seeing how it's 7:30 in the morning, I saw it quite appropriate to update you on my lovely weekend.
The Boy came to visit me for Valentine's Day. Awww yay sweet cute gag okay. We got to play and take pictures in the snow, make late night trips to Taco Cabana, have hot monkey sex, ate delicious steak from TXLC, fart around (literally) in my room, and tell each other bad knock-knock jokes. We had a great time despite not doing much at all. But thank you, Bear, for a great weekend. I love you and I can't wait to see you again. Aww yay sweet cute gag okay.
For my V-Day gift, I cried and begged like a 5 year old for a hamster. And the Boy reluctantly gave in to my sad puppy dog eyes and got me one. Yay! I'm good at being obnoxious! Anyway, his name is Lumpy. As I tried to pick him out of the cage at Petco, he jumped out of my hands and fell onto the ground. Yes, Big Bad Monster Tammy dropped the poor creature on the floor. He then proceeded to poop on my hands when I went to pick him up again. I felt bad for traumatizing Lumpy and decided to keep him. Turns out, Little Lumpy's a soldier and is still alive and kicking ass. And here he is in all his glory:
A couple more people I would like to thank:
It's almost 8 now. Did I mention that I pulled another all-nighter? I have a test in my Chem class on Wednesday. I don't know why I bother studying so much for a class that's teaching me what elements and compounds are. My book also told me how to round numbers. And yes, Lee-Ting, this class is probably just as bad as Triangles. Stupid classes for my stupid major. Ugh. But to sum up the night:
S e h n E 13: wow, so many ppl online
SooshiMooshi : i noticed that
SooshiMooshi : what's the deal?
S e h n E 13: bet their nite/morning wasn't half as exciting as ours
SooshiMooshi : no of course not. what can be better than staying up at the business atrium?
S e h n E 13: staying up at the business atrium with YOU!
[Thanks, Stephanie, for staying up with me (or shouldn't it be the other way around?) and for the nice little note. Good luck on your exam
Uh oh. Tiredness... setting in... now. Thank God I don't have class on Tuesdays. Anyway, hope you all had a good weekend - be it with your other half, your girlfriends/guys, or just that bottle of vodka. G'night, friends.
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