Monday, March 8, 2004

I had a fantabulous weekend. ASR had Crush in Houston for this Spring semester so we could watch the Mavericks vs. Rockets game.


  • I like taking road trips with friends.
  • But I hate driving. So much.
  • The two showers I had today were FUCKING MARVELOUS.
  • I sometimes forget that other people don't realize just how weird I really am. And sometimes I forget that me being weird could scare people away. I wonder why I have friends.
  • Staying up all night before the game probably was not the best idea.
  • Stephanie says that any drink with a guy's name in it - Jack, Morgan, Johnny - taste like shit. And I'm just taking her word for it.
  • DimSum at 9 in the morning is ridiculously delicious. I want more!
  • The basketball game was really entertaining despite missing more than half of it. However, I wasn't sure which team to go for... so... GO TITANS!
  • No spending money on food this week.
  • I love it when people ask me if I'm hungover or sick. I guess that's just the more polite way of asking me why I look like shit?
  • Houston this past weekend... Dallas this coming weekend... Oh my God, so much Texas!
  • My nails are short again. You can probably recognize my hands better now.
  • I can't wait for this week to be over.
  • I have become so apathetic about school it's not even funny. And I know I will want to kick my own ass later.

    People I appreciate...
  • Carol - Thanks for planning out such a great Crush for all of us.
  • Vivian - You're awesome and I love you. The shirts you made were badass and thanks for everything you did.
  • Stephanie - Thanks for being such a cool date this past weekend... staying up with me all night and making sure I didn't pass out behind the wheel the next day.
  • Cyrus - Thanks for being my other cool date and for "getting used to" mine and Stephanie's stupidity. You are super.
  • Mark - Thanks for driving even though I think I had a heart attack. Or 6.
  • Julie - I'm sorry you weren't able to go and we missed you! I hope you had a blast at the wedding. =)

    And yes, how could I forget?

    Shelia and DateManStephanie and Marky Mark.Kelli and Pedrum.Vivian and Poon (Who we think looks like an Asian Matt Damon).Mike and Phuong.Carol and DonI <3 PhuongThis is how people see me. Yes, that is a bus for my head.Cyrus and StephanieI <3 SennyBMe and Cyrus.Stephanie putting her bum on the Smurf-looking hydrant.
    A group picture from the game. [These last few are stolen from Jen. Go to her site if you want to see more.]Las chicas.Yao Ming! The big tall Asian guy! [Edit: Lee-Ting referred to him as 'a genetically mutated chinese viking man' and I must agree.]Oooh... pretty aye? (There might be more pictures later... Stay tuned.)

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