Thursday, January 11, 2007

Today at work, I met the first woman to have her wedding in space.

I shit you not. I can't even make something like that up even if I tried.

She will be married in 2008... IN OUTER SPACE. This whole concept absolutely blows my mind. I have so many questions for this woman-on-crack! Like:

  • What are you going to wear? [Edit: Apparently, she's trying to have this whole ordeal nationally televised as a reality-TV show, from planning, all the way to the actually ceremony. She's going to have a nation-wide contest to see who gets to design her dress, as well as who gets to marry them.]
  • Who's going to marry you?
  • How much does it cost to get married in outer space, anyway? [Edit: According to her website, it'll cost $500,000. Which... is surprisingly not that much considering there are people out there who would drop a few million on their weddings... and it's here on planet Earth.]
  • Who's taking you up there?
  • Are you going to have bridesmaids and groomsmen? [Edit: No, she's not.]

    God, I love Austin.

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