Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Phuong and I finished a FULL POWER HOUR last night at my beloved Crown & Anchor.

Our 60th shot!

We brought our own shot glasses and everything, because we're classy like that.

I haven't done a full power hour since Freshman year when we used to play a lot over at Stephanie's [whom, by the way, we miss immensely - especially your beeping watch!] I don't know what I was thinking trying to attempt power hour, let alone finish it, because I was already getting crunk after the 12th shot of beer. By the 60th one, I don't think I was able to make a complete sentence. I then proceeded to stumble home and have phone sex with my boyfriend. Haha. Just kidding. But not really.

Anyway, it was fun. I woke up with no clothes on this morning - which is always a sign of a good night. I should do this more often.


fungwhen said...

that was fun..lets do it again soon. It was surprisingly not as hard as i thought it would be..but i think only bc we started out on an empty stomach.

PROJECT 365 | 2011 said...

ugh. beer..*shudder* sorry I coudln't power hour with you guys. I hate beer and the last time I DID play power hour with a wine cooler, I ended up barfing the next day, ALL day. :(

miss julie said...

lets go drink!

Anonymous said...

i want to play power hour with you again!

do you rememeber the beer tower we made at your place in dobie?