Friday, July 20, 2007

When my family switched cell-phone providers from Sprint to AT&T, we added the unlimited family text messaging package, because my mom knew that we liked to text a lot and she didn't want to pay any over-charges. So I taught my mom how to text message so she can do it whenever she could. And since then, she's been texting me almost EVERY SINGLE DAY. It's like I've created a monster. But anyway, here are some good ones that she sent to me, verbatim:

Jun 19, 2007 2:12:17PM
You need to watch video for steer clear discount for your insurance i picked up already so you watch tonight.
[She didn't know how to use the punctuation yet.]

Jun 20, 2007 5:02:32PM
Have a good work out in the pool not just for tan :-)
[Haha, but she knew how to do an emoticon.]

Jun 23, 2007 7:36:03PM
Sorry not take you to airport who will pick you up in austin have a safe trip back god be with you call me when you arrive austin
[This sentence is awesome on so many levels, I can't even begin to tell you.]

Jun 27, 2007 6:35:45PM
I am watching tv right now, FLOOD IN AUSTIN!!! Is it bad?
[Haha, no mom, it's not even raining here yet...]

And a personal favorite:

Jun 16, 2007 2:23:24PM
Hi, how are you? How is you acne on your forehead? Any better? Love you.

Man, my mom is the best.


fungwhen said...

she text like how she would say it. haha your mom is too cute.

L-T said...

HAHA - that last one is hilarious :)

Anonymous said...

aw. i miss your mom. text her hello for me, will ya?