After a month of unemployment... I've been itching to go back to work. It's not really so much the "Man, I love being at work, on my feet, and helping people all day long!", as much as the whole "Fuck, I'm broke as a joke, and I can't even afford to eat at Mickey D's anymore." So... after a couple weeks of looking, applying, interviewing, and then interviewing some more... I've landed a new job for myself:
Today was my first day actually, and... so far so good. The few people I've worked with are unbelievably nice and helpful, the customers aren't that needy (yet), and it wasn't nearly as slow as I thought it was going to be. So. No complaints here. Besides, after dealing with 5 months of drama and incessant bullshit over at the Crew, working at Juicy is a nice break, and a much needed breath of fresh air.
But who knows, it's only been my first day. Ask me again in a couple of months. However, I'm choosing to stay optimistic.
And on the plus side, I can finally get that $0.99 double cheeseburger I've been eyeing for the last week.
1 comment:
you should really spring for some fries off the dollar menu to go along with the cheeseburger. you deserve it.
congrats on the job at juicy. please, do not feel compelled to buy me anything from there, as find the pink at that store a little overwhelming.
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