Friday, May 22, 2009

Holy crap, I'm engaged!

It's only been about 9 months, but I've felt like this was meant to be from the moment we kissed. I love you, always and forever.

It's hard to believe that just a year ago, I was getting myself into all sorts of shenanigans. I can't be any happier now though.

How he proposed:

My girlfriends, Phuong, Vivian, and Karol, flew into Nashville last night so we can all drive to Atlanta for Memorial Day Weekend/ASR Convention. This afternoon, we started to load up the car. As we were heading to the car, Jason kept telling me to go in front of him (which I thought was weird, since he was carrying my friends' luggage and I walk really slow). He was behind me when we walked down the stairs and I hear him fall... hard. When I turned around, he was on the ground, luggage everywhere, and he was clutching his arm. I began to freak out and kept asking him "Ohmygod are you okay. Are you okay?" And since he was already on his knees, he replied, "I will be as long as you marry me."

Aww. :)

His arm later blew up with tiny bumps all the way up past his elbow from falling into the bush. How romantic!!

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