Sunday, August 23, 2009

There are so many movies that I want to see... and not enough time and/or moneys to see them all :(

G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra - Because I want more pew pew!!!
Funny People - Because I'll see anything directed by Judd Apatow.
Julie and Julia - Because it looks cute and has NOM NOMs.
District 9 - Because it's directed by Peter Jackson and I want to see something more like Dead Alive again. [Update: Just watched it with Jason. It was really good. But unfortunately, nothing like Dead Alive. Still worth the 10 bucks though. A+]
Inglorious Basterds - Because Brad Pitt + Quentin Tarantino = WIN. [Update: Watched this Sunday night. It should be re-named "Everyone Dies", because... everyone... dies. I had high hopes for this movie as it got positive reviews, and everyone raved about it on their FB statuses. Jason and I thought it was... Okay. We wanted to see less talky, MORE FIGHTY. I'm all about revenge movies, and this just didn't hit the spot quite like Taken, or Last House on the Left. B]
(500) Days of Summer - Because it's a sweet love story that everyone's talking about. And because it's bound to be better than The Ugly Truth.
Zombieland - Because well... uhmm... Have you SEEN the trailer? How could you not want to see this?
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus - Because it's Heath Ledger's last film. And it actually looks kind of good.
Where the Wild Things Are - Because if you don't want to see this movie, you are a heartless bastard.
Taking Woodstock - Because I love Demetri Martin.
9 - Because I have no fucking clue what this movie is about and I'm curious!
The September Issue - Because I work in the fashion industry. And because I really liked The Devil Wears Prada. And because I'm a girl.
Jennifer's Body - Because it's written by Diablo Cody (same writer for Juno), and it's got Megan Fox in it. (And now, just to spite Jason because he thinks this movie looks stupid.)
The Invention of Lying - Because Ricky Gervais is hilarious, and the movie looks pretty funny too.
Daybreakers - Because there's no way in hell I'm going to go see Twilight: New Moon. EVER.
Sherlock Holmes - Because Robert Downey Jr. is a BAMF.
Alice in Wonderland - Because I love Tim Burton and I want to see just how fucked up he can make a story that's already kind of fucked up to begin with.

Movie hopping session soon?

1 comment:

fungwhen said...

I miss our movie hopping sessions, almost as much as i miss you. No one can make a day out of it like us. :(