Sunday, August 26, 2001

I went to see Shakespeare in the Park last night... They were performing A Midsummer Night's Dream. I like the book... and the play... well, was... interesting. I think someone that was tripping on acid would find it incredibly frightening. But I wouldn't know since I've never tripped acid or anything... then again, the play frightened me and I wasn't high. So I don't know. Um... It wasn't bad though. I kinda liked it. It was all colorful and stuff...
*Yawn* Me sleepy. I wish school wouldn't start so damn early. They should have it from 10-2. Four hours is more than enough for me to learn about stuff that I'll probably never use in 5 years.
Blah~ I don't think I'm in the mood to talk to myself right now... So until next time... Take care of myself.

"What kind of word is 'methinks'? It's such a stupid word... Who would even come up with something like that? 'Methinks'? Ugh! It's so dumb!"
"Methinks you need to shut the hell up."

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