Thursday, October 11, 2001

I got to skip 3 1/2 of my classes today. Not exactly a good idea when 2 out of those 3 1/2 are AP. Hrm... Oh well! The goverment classes got to go see court cases at the... court... place. We saw a guy who was convicted of assult and illegal possession of a gun... he wanted to see if he could get his bond lowered because he has zero money. I kinda zoned out in the middle of it because I was so tired, and I was trying *very* hard not to fall asleep. I knew staying up till 3 in the morning would be a bad idea. But yeah, I do remember that the victim came out and said that he was shot in the butt. Then we all got to go see where the criminals are held waiting to go on trial. They yelled at us saying that we would be in their place when we were 20. It was tempting to go up to them and say "Oh but look whos in there now, and who's not. Bitch." Only. We hurried by while avoiding eye contact. I'm going to the prison tomorrow. Death row. ("No! Not the Haunted Prison, stupid.")

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