Wednesday, October 17, 2001

So I spent *way* too much time on that damned government project last night... of course, I was only one of four students who actually had the project done by today. But I am actually wide awake. Very very awake for someone who only had two hours of sleep last night... I think the miniscule amount of sleep I got last night was a result of that 9 hours nap I had two nights ago. Yeah. I'm past the stage of tireness and have entered into the state of delirium. I'm awake but I don't think that I'm functioning properly... >_< So I've been wandering the halls with this dazed look on my face. Someone actually asked me if I was stoned. "No. I'm just sleepwalking." But at least I get to see boy tonight! Yay! I just hope I won't be like "Hey! I haven't seen you in so lon... *collapses on floor* ZzzZZZzz"

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