Sunday, November 25, 2001

Wanna hear something scary? Yeah? Here goes: Today is Sunday. So on Thursday, after a big yummy feast at someone I don't know's house, the one in the mom suit and I come home and go to bed. Next morning, we woke up to find that both our locks are unlocked. (Sidenote: We have two of the same locks on our door, both of which can be locked/unlocked from the inside. But you can only lock/unlock the bottom lock from the outside. So there's no way that one could get to the top lock without making a mess out of the door. You can't even see the top lock from the outside because you can only get to it from the inside. Double security. Get it? Okay... story goes on.) And so mom was like "Hrm.. that's weird." Because we always make sure that we have both locks locked before we go to bed cause we're paranoid like that. But we figure that we were just tired from eating so much that we just forgot or something. Whatever, no big deal. So that night, we both made sure that both locks were locked before we went to bed. And lo and behold, both locks were unlocked when we woke up the next morning. First of all, if it was a burglar trying to get in, there is absolutely *no way* they could have gotten both locked unlocked from the outside. And they couldn't have crawled through a window because we live on the 4th story. And secondly, I forgot what I was going to say. But yeah. I just hope to God that I sleepwalk. But even so, that's scary. My friend's boyfriend's cousin got killed sleepwalking. Ugh. So I'm officially scared of me.

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