Thursday, December 20, 2001

There's a section at CD Wearhouse where you can get CD's for 99 cents. There were a bunch of Billy Ray Cyrus CDs. And amoungst those crappy ones, I saw Hanson's Middle of Nowhere CD.
Sad fact: I used to own this CD.
Very sad fact: I use to *love* this CD.
Oh-my-god-what's-wrong-with-me fact: I had a huge crush on the middle Hanson, Taylor. I still remember that his birthday is March 14th, and his favorite food is fish and chips. I had posters of them all over my wall. (At least I don't send them birthday cards. *Ahem*)

I can't believe I just announced to the whole world that I used to like Hanson. Ugh. I am a freak.

Speaking of freak. What the fuck kind of DVD is this? That's almost as bad as me liking Hanson. Almost.

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