Hola mis amigos! 9 exams down, one more to go. Awwww yeah. *SO* happy it's almost all over. Then, I get to go to the other side of the world! Grand.
Um... so. If you didn't know, boy is back. He's been back for almost a week and all is good. Oh, and if you also didn't know, he is coming back with me to Taiwan. No, you will not be expecting a wedding invitation anytime soon (*Ahem* Sivan *Ahem* Danny).
Go see About a Boy, ("Ms. Sukow... You are... stumming my pain with his fingers....") and Spider-man. Though the latter had some horredously corny parts that made me cringe in my seat. ("Yeah. And so he was shooting his stuff.... I'm mean, the web! I mean, ugh!")
Um um um... I don't think I will be able to post anytime in the next few days... but! E-mail me!!! I love e-mails. Especially the ones with the subjects "Really really super fat chicks" and "Hardcore farm-yard action".
Signing off~~
Tuesday, May 21, 2002
Brought to You By
4:38 PM
Saturday, May 18, 2002
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... Heather's house. So. Latest news: I am done with all of my AP exams. I have 3 finals left to do. I'm probably not gonna get a computer until the end of summer. And. I'm going to Taiwan on Thurday. =) I'll probably be able to update over summer but I wouldn't bet on it. I love you all though. And I promise I *will* update sometime... soon. Yeah. Don't forget about me.
Brought to You By
2:20 PM
Thursday, May 9, 2002
My teacher to my 6'1'' friend: Hey, are you still thinking of becoming a teacher?
Friend: Well, I don't know. Why?
Teacher: Oh. I was just wondering. There seems to be a shortage of them these days.
Friend: Is that supposed to be a pun?
Teacher: Huh. No, but it'd be a pretty good one, huh?
Brought to You By
2:44 PM
Rar. I'm at Esther's right about now. Typing up homework. Yay fun yay. Today was my AP English exam. I got up at around 5:30 because Carly was coming to get me at 6:15 so we could meet up with Heather at Waffle House for breakfast so I'm all tired. Blah. The exam was... okay. We had to write three essays, and by the third one, I could really not care anymore. It was basically talking about this dude who had a conversations secretly taped and then sent to a radio station. He was talking with one of his friends, you know, just goofing off, and saying things that he nornally would not say in public. So everyone looked down on this guy, who's supposed to be a guy with some prestige, and they think pretty poorly of him. But then they thought that *that* wasn't the major scandal, it was the fact that someone taped a private conversation. So what I had to write about was whether or not private and public enviornments should be combined or be separate. And.. yeah. So I talked about Bill Clinton and the whole Monica problem. "Because Bill Clinton was the president, the head of state, he should have had more responsiblity in his actions, be a good role model, and exert certain values and morals that we as citizens should posses. Unfortunately, in our society today, morals are shot to hell." Then I went on bashing our society and how corrupt people can be, but that doesn't mean that people have the right to violate our privacy rights. I had fun. Anyway... one exam down, 4 more to go. The hardest one is gonna be tomorrow.
Friend: "I bet there are lots of new Christians around US History exam time. If they didn't believe in a God before, they sure as hell are praying to one now."
Brought to You By
2:41 PM
Wednesday, May 8, 2002
Hello. It's me again. It's been a while, huh? That's probably due to my computer breaking down on my last last Sunday. Me = Sad. Two Sundays ago, I went out to go work on Bill of Rights, and as my friend and I were driving out to another friend's house, it started raining really hard. Then it started lightening and hailing too.
Mere: Wow. It looks really bad out.
Me: Hmm. I wish I turned off my computer before I left. But I'm sure it will be okay.
There. I said it. The evil words. When I came home, my compooter was making this awful noise and so I turned it off, and... it didn't wake back up. =( So. My harddrive is fried and I lost everything that was on it. My music! All gone! Oh well, guess that means I have to get a new computer. Darn.
Update: I got home from the DC trip yesterday afternoon. It was a lot of fun, though we didn't win anything. It was kinda disappointing because we worked really hard this semester and didn't come back with anything. But that's okay. To some of the schools there, this competition was basically their life. Some of them had to sign contracts saying that they will not participate in any sports or get a job because Bill of Rights was gonna be their number 1 prioriety. And another school had the class for two years, and would go to competition every other year. Most of the people there were seniors. We didn't make it to top ten, nor did we win the southeast region (Alabama got it). But. Then again, I was really expecting to go there to win because I know we were competing against some really tough schools. It was a good experience, and my teacher said we did a good job in her mind. Now, I don't know if she is just saying that or she is trying to make us feel better. But whatever. We make an automatic 100 in her class, so it's all good.
Right now I'm at my friend Carla's house. We are about to go study for our English exam tomorrow. Whee! No school! But. Wish me luck. I'll need it.
Anyway... until I get a new computer, I don't know when I will be able to post again. But. Just know that I'm still around and haven't died or anything... So. Until next time...
Brought to You By
4:29 PM