Monday, October 7, 2002

No school today! Woo! I slept all day and afternoon and that was really nice except for the fact that I will not be able to fall back asleep tonight. That's okay though since I have a lot to do. I went to see Sweet Home Alabama last night with Carly and we saw a couple of our friends there who were watching the same movie. It was cute even though Reese Witherspoon cannot pull a Southern accent very well. I can! Haha. A Chinese girl with an Southern accent. =)

I made killer omelettes this morning. Mmm... Yum. I think I want to make some more cause I'm really hungry and all we have at home are saltine crackers. Those don't have very much taste. >_<

My mommy came home yesterday, yay! I missed her, though it was really nice nothing having her on my back every single minute. Plus, I'm really gonna miss not having a curfew. ^_~

Esther got me to like Wang Lee-Hom a whole lot when she spent the night on Saturday. Speaking of Saturday, I babysat. Yeah. Me. Babysitting. A 10 month old child. Is that not a frightening thought? I didn't have too much trouble with her except when I tried to take her out of the shower and when I tried to put her to sleep the first time. I don't see how so much sound can come out of something so small. I was exhausted by 8 o'clock. And that was just one night. Her parents have to do that every single day. I'd rather gouge my eyes out with dull pencils. But! I did manage to not break anything (mainly, the baby), and make 50 bucks in the process. Yay Tammy! Now, what was I saying before I got off track? Oh yeah. Wang Lee-Hom. He's an awesome singer, and he's kinda hot. Good songs to get: Revolution Rotation, Don't Be Afraid, and Frozen Dreams. Yum =) He ranks up there with Jay Chou and David Tao now. Woo Chinese music!

I'm gonna go try to make something to get rid of the hunger in my tummy. Byebye.

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