Thursday, May 1, 2003

Happy May, folks.

A drunk 50 year old man tried to get my number tonight at work. It was quite flattering. I think stuff like this should happen more.

I want to get a new nose stud for my... um... nose. A little silver one. I sometimes forget that I have something there and I'll rub my nose really hard and it would hurt a lot. I need to remember that my nose is pierced or I swear I'm gonna rip it out and I would cry and curl into a fetal position in my own pool of blood.

I finished reading Fight Club (Ew, I underlined a title of a book. I'm such a dork.) over the weekend and I absolutely loved it. I definitely recommend reading it to anyone who saw the movie and enjoyed it. I think the book is better... which says a lot seeing how Brad Pitt isn't in the book.

Bed time! (By that I mean staying up for at least another hour before I even attempt at going to sleep...)

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