Wednesday, July 16, 2003

I am currently in the computer lab on the campus. It's really nice here. The whole campus, that is, not just the computer lab. I've had fun over these last couple of days. However, I have about 2 hours to kill right now and no where to go... so....

100 Things You May Not Have but Wish You Hadn't Known About Me

1. "Tammy" was not on my birth certificate. My real name is actually Tien-Pei. The "Tien" part meaning "sky", and the "Pei" meaning "a piece of cloth". You can call me Sky-Cloth from now on.
2. This is my favorite number.
3. I used to fight with my mom almost on a daily basis from when I was 12 to 14.
4. I have a surgery scar on my elbow and on my right hip from when I got benign tumors removed last summer in Taiwan. The one on my hip looks a lot like a hickey. They are both very unattractive but I call them my "battle wounds".
5. I wear a toe ring. I haven't taken it off in about 4 years.
6. I love fruits but I hate apples.
7. But I like apple-flavored candy.
8. And I don't like Apple computers.
9. Lion King is still by far my favorite movie of all time and I can't wait until the DVD comes out in October.
10. I set all of my watches and clocks at home at least 10 minutes fast.
11. I have a fuzzy tummy.
12. My fingers and toes are abnomrally short. Big Steve likes to call my hands, "freak hands", and my cousin from Taiwan refers to my fingers/toes as "Sausage Fingers/Toes."
13. I don't think this number is unlucky.
14. I bite my nails.
15. I also tend to chew off all of the nailpolish that takes tedious amounts of time to apply.
16. I've never seen "Wizard of Oz", "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", or "Mary Poppins".
17. I'm deathly afraid of spiders.
18. I have really good vision. And if I intend to keep it that way, I have got to stop playing on the computer at 4 in the morning in a dark room.
19. I sucked my right thumb until I was 11.
20. I have an overbite now because of it.
21. I hate Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.
22. But I own Mary-Kate and Ashley lip gloss (courtesy of Molly).
23. Flip flops (freedom flops!) are the only types of shoes that I really like to wear.
24. I used to own a dog named Happy, but I had to give him away when I moved to the states.
25. I pop my knuckles and back a lot.
26. I get scared really easily.
27. When I got my US citizenship, I didn't get a little American flag like everyone else and I was mad.
28. I don't like surprises.
29. Ninja Turtles were the reason why I even started eating pizza.
30. But I don't like pizza anymore...
31. ...Unless it's from Schlotzsky's.
32. I like piercings.
33. I love the Wal-Mart Supercenter.
34. I took piano lessons on and off from ages 6-12, until I begged my mom to let me quit.
35. I wish I still knew how to play.
36. The longest that I've been in a relationship with someone is 2 and half years and going. My shortest was 2 months.
37. I've only had two relationships so far.
38. The majority of my friends are white. I have a feeling that it might change now that I'm in Austin.
39. I found out that my brother was actually only my half-brother the Thanksgiving of 7th grade.
40. I wrote, "Please have mercy." at the end of my AP Government exam junior year. I ended up getting a 3.
41. I want a hot-pink moped.
42. Bad breath is one of the biggest turn-offs.
43. But for some reason, I like garlic breath.
44. I drink orange juice like it's water.
45. I've never been rollerblading.
46. But I took ice skating lessons for over 2 years.
47. I got sunburned for the first time in my entire life last summer in Taiwan at the beach. Boy and I were both burned pretty badly, and we were hurt and miserable.
48. I used to cut my own hair. Until I realized that it was ugly.
49. I remember my grandfather's funeral back from when I was only 2 or 3.
50. I've never broken a bone and plan to keep it that way. *Knocks on wood*
51. I used to hate eating. It would take my mom over an hour just to feed me a small bowl of rice.
52. I don't like kids.
53. I took gymnastics when I was in 1st grade. But I quit after only a few weeks because I didn't like heights, and I had to stand on someone's shoulders.
54. I don't mind heights anymore.
55. I love roller coasters.
56. I can't stand ignorant or close-minded people.
57. I was very happy when the courts okayed gay marriages. Yay!
58. If I don't wear my watch, I feel naked.
59. There are three things that I wish I could do really well and that is write, dance, and sing. I can't do any of them.
60. I used to hate the fact that I was Chinese and everyone around me wasn't. But now, I embrace my heritage.
61. I am a closet Hanson fan. Well... not anymore. I was a little sad when Taylor went off the market and got married.
62. The people that have taught me the most throughout life are my mom, Sivan, David, Sharon, Esther, and Anna Nicole Smith.
63. I hate cold weather.
64. I hate the humidity, too.
65. I love stars.
66. Two books that have really impacted my life are The Joy Luck Club and The Missing Piece.
67. I have yet to read all of the Harry Potter books. Please don't hurt me.
68. I met a girl from Guatemala here at orientation. She is really nice.
69. I am more materialistic than I need to be. I really like stuff. I enjoy buying things. However, I am appreciative of everything that I own.
70. I don't like being outdoors unless it is near water.
71. Mosquitos flock to me like sharks to a menstrating woman. Okay bad example. But bugs like me.
72. I might also be allergic to mosquito bites.
73. I experience the "Asian Flush" when I drink. So I don't.
74. I have never smoked pot before.
75. I used to fall asleep almost every single day in AP European History this past year. I seriously can only remember no more than 20 days that I've actually stayed awake in that class. I ended up getting a 4 on the exam anyway.
76. I used to hate bowling because during the 2nd or 3rd time that I actually went bowling, my fingers got stuck in the holes when I tried to throw the ball. It was a bad experience. But I like bowling now.
78. The hottest Disney characters are Jasmine and Eric.
79. I talk and laugh in my sleep.
80. I brush my teeth in ths shower.
81. I really want to go skydiving.
82. I don't like horses.
83. My favorite type of ice cream is mint chocolate chip.
84. I want to do study abroad in Italy or Spain or Australia.
85. My favorite CD of all time is still "Crash" by Dave Matthews' Band.
86. But I really really really like the new Radiohead CD as well.
87. The most expensive item on my body is the diamond ring that my mom gave me for my 16th birthday. It was her old wedding ring, and she gave it to me kind of as a "promise ring". I haven't taken it off since.
88. I cry easily and a lot.
89. I can be very stubborn and frustrating.
90. I have 10 piercings total. 8 of which are in my ears.
91. I've wanted to be everything when I was little including a nurse, astronaut, firewoman, vet, etc.
92. All of high school I told myself that I would major in business, with an emphasis on international relations.
93. I changed my major today to textiles design and merchandising.
94. I don't know if it will remain the same in 2 years.
95. I get bored with things really easily.
96. I hate all diet drinks except for diet Dr. Pepper.
97. I once asked my mom if I could have a pet rock. She said, "no".
98. I am addicted to chapstick. I will start getting paranoid about my lips drying and cracking and then falling off if I don't have any form of chapstick on hand.
99. I have to lock the doors when I am in a car because I have an irrational fear of the car door flying open when the car is moving at a fast speed, and then for some freak reason, my seatbelt will pop open and I will fly out the door, get run over by the back wheels, and my body parts and guts will splatter all over the windshields of the drivers behind. Yes. I actually imagine this happening.

and last but not least...

100. No one is allowed to touch my throat but me and occasionally Boy. I shall explain later.

So that's it. It efficiently killed a lot of time, and now I only have to wait another hour or so before my next meeting. Hurray! Enjoy reading, and I will talk to you guys when I go back to Nashville on Sunday. Bye!

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