I am housesitting for my brother for a couple of days. Except it's really not as much "housesitting" as it is "sitting around, eating all of my brother's food, and watching tv all day". But hey, I pet the cats every now and then to keep them company. Gosh. I should get paid for this kind of service.
As I was watching tv today, I noticed that the Disney Channel thoughtfully decided to remake "Circle of Life" from the Lion King into this new, hip, pop song, sung by That's so Raven, Lizzy McGuire, Smart Guy, Ren Stevens, and Penny Proud. That irks me to no end because they completely butchered the most amazing song from my favourite favorite (note to self: I am not British) movie of all time. Damn you Disney. *Shakes fist*
I took a bath (I don't even want to think about what goes on in that bathtub) earlier tonight and it felt amazing. I haven't had a really good bath since I was still living in the old house. You see, my apartment shower has a small grudge against me ever since I accidentally broke the shower head a few days after I moved in. So even though it'll let me take nice hot showers for long periods of time, once it finds out that I want to take a bath, the water will go cold. That leaves me with two options: I can either take a bath in a tub full of cold water, or in a tub 1/4 full of hot water. And since neither seem too appealing, I try to avoid taking baths altogether even though I love them. Sad, I know. Anyway, I decided to take advantage of the time that I'm here and indulged in an hour-long bath. Complete with scented bubbles, bath salts, body scrubs, the whole nine yards. Mmm, I love bubble baths. Actually, I just really like basking in my own filth. Yum.
I'm about to go to sleep (I don't even want to think about what goes on in that bed) after I get off the computer. I am going to sleep so well tonight, which will be a first since I've been there. The bed that my brother has for the guest room is the most comfortable bed that I have ever slept on (not that I've slept on a lot of beds or anything...). It feels as though your body is molded into the mattress and I woke up this morning completely sore-free. My bed at home isn't even this comfortable. If my brother lived any closer to campus, I would probably crash here every single night, even at the risk of hearing things that I really don't want to be hearing. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that I don't stumble upon anything unpleasant like condoms or 16-inch long dildos. That would scar me for life.
Ope! Time out. I got a phone call. Finish later.
Aww that was Boy. I miss him =( I'm having major Boy withdrawl. It's kind of sad, really.
Anyway, I've only had class for 3 days and I'm already sick of it and I want to go home. Does that make me a pathetic person? Nonetheless, my classes are pretty decent so far. But 4 of them are core classes so therefore they're not going to be super interesting or fun. I have one class that has maybe 20 people, and the other ones have at least 200 in each. Yay people! But here's what my schedule looks like (you know, in case there was an emergency and you really needed to know where I was or something...):
9-10 ~ Intro to Psychology [I think I'm going to like this class a lot despite the fact that there are over 300 people in it. The teacher is really interesting and funny and funny is always a plus in my book.]
1-2 ~ Topics in Writing [When I signed up for this class, I didn't know that there were going to be different topics depending on the class that you get into. So silly little me got into "The Poetry of Texas". As super as that topic sounds, I decided to drop it and now I'm taking "Rhetoric of Feminsm", which has the potential to be a really good class. I just hope that my writing won't suck.]
2-3 ~ Ecology, Evolution, and Society [Eh. Whatever. It's a Bio course, and even though the professor seems really cool, my AP teacher from Junior year pretty much killed off any interest I had left in the field of Biology.]
8:30-9:30 ~ Textiles [I'm not too sure about this class yet. The only thing that the professor emphasized last Thursday was that if you miss a class without a doctor's note, then 4 points will be deducted from the final grade. Oh, and there will be assigned seating. Hello 4th grade.]
12:30-2 ~ Intro to Microeconomics [Bleh. Economics = math = the bane of my existance. However, I don't have to take a real math class aside from statistics EVER AGAIN, and that makes me happier than Ben and Jerry's ice cream.]
10-11 ~ Biology Lab
2-5 ~ Textiles Lab
So as you can see, Tuesdays are going to be my busiest days. But aside from that, the schedule works out pretty okay. I'll have time between my morning and afternoon classes to sleep and nap go work out or run some errands. Next step: don't fail. And always use the library because they are cool.
I just bit off all of the polish that I had on my fingernails. Gross.
The cats are fast asleep in this room, so I guess that's sign for me to go to bed too. I really shouldn't follow in the footsteps of Hercules and Hershey though seeing how they sleep for about 20 hours a day and are morbidly obese [As a matter of fact, they look not unlike these rabbits, only not as rabbity]. But that bath is beginning to kick in and I'm ready to go mold into my bed. Until next time... Nighty night.
Sunday, August 31, 2003
Brought to You By
1:38 AM
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