I am tired.
I have been with Boy for the past couple of nights and therefore I have not gotten sufficient amounts of sleep (by "sufficient ", I mean "at least 12 hours of uninterrupted napping"). I was not my usual chipper self at work tonight. The things that I normally find amusing only annoyed me to the point that I wanted to hit my head repeatedly with a brick wall. I don't know if it's because I'm tired, or if it's because my period is starting.
I also realized that boys will never, ever, get grossed out until you start talking about tampons. Yum.
I got to see all the girls tonight after work for our last little get-together. It's finally hitting me that 3 of my closest friends from school are leaving this weekend. Granted, they'll only be an hour away from here, but just the whole idea of it, and the fact that we are all about to start our lives over in a completely new environment... it's overwhelming. I have not cried yet. But I'm sure I will.
As the time for me to go is nearing, I'm wondering what things about myself that I could change. This is the time for me to start altering things about myself, and even become a new person if I really wanted to. You know, start my life over as a completely new Tammy. Then again, the reason why people like me (scary thought, I know) is because I'm... me.... I don't know what it's going to be like once school starts. I don't think that I'm nervous as of now, but I think it's mainly because I have absolutely no idea what to expect. I really shouldn't worry too much about meeting people though. I'm going to the biggest college in the nation so I'm bound to find a couple friends amongst the 60,000 people there. I just don't know if I am ready for such a big change though... Just as I am getting comfortable and happy with where I am right now, I have to pick up and move on. Stupid change. Stupid life.
On a lighter note, my new sparkley pink nail polish is pweety. Ahhh...
And before I go... Friday Five:
1. What's the last place you traveled to, outside your own home state/country? Austin, TX
2. What's the most bizarre/unusual thing that's ever happened to you while traveling? The summer after Sophomore year in Taiwan, a random person came up to me and asked me for my autograph because she thought that I was Coco Lee. I bet she was highly disappointed when she realized that I wasn't. (Either that, or she felt incredibly stupid.) But hey, I was flattered cause Coco is HOT.
3. If you could take off to anywhere, money and time being no object, where would you go? The moon.
4. Do you prefer traveling by plane, train or car? Actually, I would rather teleport. I just have to be careful as to not sneeze in the process of doing so, because then I could get caught in the middle of... nowhere.
5. What's the next place on your list to visit? I want to visit the whole continent of Europe.
Saturday, August 9, 2003
Brought to You By
12:27 AM
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