I hadn't been home for the past two nights and I just remembered how much of a disaster my room is. I am beginning to forget the color of my carpet. It's kind of sad, really.
On Friday night, I went to Boy's house after work. We decided to see Freddy Vs. Jason. Yes, you heard me right. We went to see... that. Boy was tempted to buy the tickets saying, "Two for that awful, awful, movie." We went into the movie expecting it to be one of the worst that we had ever seen. Suprisingly, we came out of it knowing that it was one of the worst we had ever seen. However, since I had absolutely no expectations for this movie aside from it being a whole lot of bad, the experience was tolerable if not entertaining. FVJ followed every bad horror movie stereotype (all of which were pretty much created by the old Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th movies). There was plenty of gratuitous nudity, stupid teenagers, sex, bad acting, drugs, ridiculous stunts, and of course... LOTS AND LOTS OF BLOOD. It's always fun watching blood spew out of a person like a firehose. So. Freddy or Jason? While the idea of Freddy is more frightening, I must say that Jason was the bigger badass in this movie. It just makes me feel all warm and bubbley inside when I see Jason hack young teenagers to pieces with his oversized machete. To sum things up... this movie is so bad that it's kind of... (dare I say it?) good. Personally, I'd go see it just to watch Kelly from Destiny's Child get thrown 50 feet into a tree.
After watching Freddy Vs. Jason, I realized that I had recognized the main character girl as Abby from Dawson's Creek. I'm not sure what is more pathetic... the fact that I recognized the girl as a character from Dawson's Creek, or that I actually went to see this movie in the first place. Actually, I think the most sad part of all of this is that I am probably going to Boy's house tonight to watch some old Jason or Freddy movies. *Sigh* What has it done to us?
Anyway, I went with Boy to visit his relatives on Saturday morning. They are very nice people, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. And just for the record, his grandmother makes amazing country food.
Boy: So was meeting my relatives awkward?
Me: Can't be any more awkward than you meeting my family in Taiwan. At least I'm able to speak to yours.
I had my last day of work last night. I almost cried because I was so happy. No, actually, I really almost did cry because I was sad to be leaving Mr. and Mrs. Chen and Big Steve. They had become a second family to me (since I actually see them more than I see my mom) and it's going to be hard to leave them too.
I spent the night at Esther's last night, and air mattresses are so not comfortable. I wanted to pop the damn thing and just sleep on the carpet instead, but I was too tired to move. I went to church this afternoon to say goodbye to people. Actually, my mom made me go and she probably thought that I was gonna go to hell if I didn't. Then again, I probably am going to hell after reading Harry Potter for about an hour during service. What? It's a good book, and I don't know what they're saying anyway. *Looks away*
I am now about to leave to go meet up with some friends for dinner. Be good. Try not to trash this place while I'm gone, mkay?
Sunday, August 17, 2003
Brought to You By
5:58 PM
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