I spent another fun night with Boy. There's something really comforting about waking up right next to the person you love the most. We spent most of the afternoon shopping for video games/CDs/DVDs/computer stuff (aka "toys for boys"), and then my mom met up with me and we got some more college stuff. I got a pink bathrobe and it makes me smile.
I am taking a break from packing at the moment. When I said "holy crap I have a lot of clothes" a couple days ago, I really should have said, "holy crap I have a lot of SHIT." I am going through everything I own and throwing away anything that I won't be needing anymore. If you know me well, then you would know that I like stuff. I collect everything from bottles and dried flowers, to pencils and giant dildos. Haha. Just kidding, I don't really collect pencils. Anyway, it's becoming a real bitch to clean out my room. I never thought that I could ever fit this much in this small room. I already have a big duffle bag and suitcase filled. Might I also add that my suitcase is so big that Molly can fit inside it and I am able to zip it up. There's still a lot to do, but I'm tired and I just want to go to bed. However, I really do need to clean and pack though seeing how I am leaving in 2 days.
Speaking of leaving, you all should check out just what kind of college I shall be attending in just a few more days. Number 2 for lots of beer and hard liquor? Awesome. I knew I chose the right place to get a great education.
Anyway, I better go finish cleaning the horrendous mess I have made. And since I might not be able to update for a few more days, I shall leave you all with some stupid links to keep you busy. Byeee~
Letterscapes - This is really neat, and I efficiently killed about 30 minutes by looking at what each letter did.
What You Are - Supposedly I am a sexy doughnut who loves to whallop vibrators. Huh. Who knew?
The Ugly Mushroom Game - You are a mushroom. And you eat bugs. With your mushroom tongue. Questions need not be asked.
Squash Terrorists - You get to squish bad guys with the all-holy-yet-horribly-drawn foot of the majestic Statue of Liberty to horrible background music. It's fun, only not.
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Brought to You By
12:58 AM
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