Who ever thought that online conversations could be so interesting? [I <3 Hips]
Kristy1975: tammy smells like butt
SooshiMooshi: molly eats butt
Kristy1975: ered popcorn
SooshiMooshi: poopcakes
Kristy1975: ill poop your cakes
SooshiMooshi: molly smells like eats buttered poopcakes
Kristy1975: we're sad people
SooshiMooshi: indeed
Kristy1975: are people gonna like us next year?
SooshiMooshi: i don't know. probably not
Kristy1975: hm, sad
Kristy1975: oh, hey, I emailed my roomate, and she emailed me back, saying "i actually have a situation i might need to discuss with you, but i will wait til you email me back. it's not that big a deal so don't worry." what could that mean?
SooshiMooshi: hmm... thats weird
Kristy1975: i know!! i'm totally freaked out!
SooshiMooshi: maybe she wants to discuss what to bring
Kristy1975: what if she likes to sleep around, and that is her situation?
Kristy1975: or she likes to steal things, and that is her situation?
SooshiMooshi: then you would have a little problem
Kristy1975: so far i don't like this girl
SooshiMooshi: you dont even know her!
Kristy1975: I know she has a situation
SooshiMooshi: it could be a small situation though
Kristy1975: but that makes it unfun to think that it is no big deal
SooshiMooshi: what if she smelled really bad. oh wait, youve been in the same vicinity as ari so you should be prepared
Kristy1975: yeah, ari liked his tammy perfume way too much
SooshiMooshi: yeah I know, he poured that stuff on
Kristy1975: tru dat homey g funk
Kristy1975: should I talk like that when I meet my roomie
Kristy1975: and tell her I have a situation too, and it is that I am ghetto fabulous?
Kristy1975: so when am I going to shop at urban outfitters visit you?
SooshiMooshi: whenever you want
Kristy1975: does that mean I can just show up randomly, and hopefully you'll be at the airport?
SooshiMooshi: we can go to chocolate factory too
Kristy1975: cheesecake???
SooshiMooshi: that's what i meant
SooshiMooshi: shut up! i once called it spaghetti factory, okay?
SooshiMooshi: they're all factories! i can't take it!
Kristy1975: tammy. count to ten
Kristy1975: oh, you can't. I mean 5
SooshiMooshi: i hate you
Kristy1975: no you don't
SooshiMooshi: it's not nice to make fun of mentally challenged people
Kristy1975: don't kid yourself
Kristy1975: you don't count as a person
SooshiMooshi: i hope your bottom jaw falls off
Kristy1975: that was way harsh
Saturday, August 2, 2003
Brought to You By
3:42 PM
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