Friday, January 2, 2004

I've decided to take a break from Animal Crossing to post up some pictures from new years. I hope you all had as much fun as I did. But I also hope that none of you lifted up your shirts and said, "Look! My tummy's red!"

I went out to eat with the girls [minus those of you hobags that couldn't/didn't want to come] at Goten. I don't know why we eat there, because it's expensive, the food's not that great, and you'll leave smelling like the hibachi grill. Oh well. It was nice seeing my friends again at least.

Rachel, Lane, Emma, Jen, and Nan. The lighting is awesome, by the way.Emma, Jen, and Nan looking oh so pretty.Jen, taking a sip of her delicious tap, I mean, Japanese water.Rachel and Lane looking damn sexy.After dinner, we decided to get some coffee before we went our separate ways. Here's me and Emma.Group pic! Good thing the picture turned out so well...Nan looking adorable in her awesome New Year crown.Rachel and Jen.Me and Nan.

After dinner, I went with Boy to one of his friend's house for a little shindig. I had a good time, and I think everyone else did too. Especially the ones who threw up, the one who got T-bagged, the one who hurt his toe from attempting to break dance, and the ones who probably don't remember much at all...

This, unfortunately, was not taken at midnight. I was horribly disgusted. So I thought that it would be nice of me to share it with the rest of you.A normal picture of Jennifer and Jason. You know, where they're not sucking face.Jennifer looking hot with a piece of orange in her mouth.David S. sitting on top of his girlfriend, Katie.Katie sitting top of her boyfriend. I think it's supposed to be a gesture of affection or something.The Boy and I tried it too, but for some reason, it didn't seem to work out as well...

Anyway, I think that's enough pictures for a day. I hope it doesn't blow up your computer for those of you who use dial-up.

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