Saturday, February 7, 2004

Just got home from yet another eventful night at Julie's. Actually, I haven't been there much this semester, suprisingly. Then again, it has only been a few weeks.

  • I love talking to drunk people online.
  • Apple Fanta is damn good. It tastes exceptionally delicious when it only costs 25 cents.
  • S e h n E 13: i love rejects
         S e h n E 13: therefore...
         S e h n E 13: i love you
          [Thanks, Big Best Friend! =)]
  • You know that it's a bad sign when you see an ambulence and two cop cars with their lights on right outside of Crap-in-the-Box. On second thought, Crap-in-the-Box is just a bad sign in general.

    Yay for bad quality pictures!

  • I miss my roomie. She went back home for the weekend and left me all by my lonesome. *Cry*
  • My boyfriend is missing, did you steal him?
  • Thanks to all you ladies that made it out to dinner last night. [I would show you some pictures, but they turned out so fuzzy that there is no point for me to post any up. I'll just wait until someone else does and jack the pictures from them.]
  • Eric types: You can't spell school without the letters you need for 'cool'
         SooshiMooshi : I'm just going to pretend you didn't say that.
         Eric types: Or loos.
         Eric types: Are you loos about school?
  • "I is less than 3 you?"
  • I went to the SSB today and they gave me drugs so I should be fixed soon.
  • Molly and I have decided that we should always end sentences with exclaimation marks so that everything sounds exciting! [Oh! And just for the record! Molly is the "bomb-diggity of all girlfriends"!]

    Anyway! I'm going to go to bed now! I hope you all have a great night day!

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