Oops. I pulled another whole 5 days without updating. I apologize sincerely.
In all honesty, I have not had the chance or the time to sit down, upload pictures, and tell stories. As you know, ample amounts of effort, thought, love, and care goes into each and every post in hopes of enhancing your lives and maybe, just maybe, you - my dear 6 readers - will click out of this window with a sense of elation and enlightment.
In other words, I've been lazy as hell and just didnt feel like updating.
But. I did have an awesome weekend, although it's quite nice to finally be back in my room. Last night was the first night since last Wednesday that I slept in my own bed [you know, as opposed to other people's floors and futons...]
So anyway...
Phuong, Vivian, Stephanie and I crashed at Julie's. I don't quite remember what we did that night aside from bumming around and eating sunflower seeds. Oh yes. Sunflower seeds. More addicting than cocaine.
We left bright and early in the morning. I did jackshit for a few hours and then took Sarah to the airport so that she could go home for Easter weekend. Afterwards, the "usuals" and I go back to Julie's and laid out by the pool for awhile. We then proceeded to stay up for outrageous amounts of hours and eat ridiculous amounts of food. [Much thanks to Julie for providing a place for us and food to eat.]

Woke up at around 3 in the afternoon, but we just rolled around and did nothing until 7. That's when we realized how absurd it was that we still haven't gotten off our lazy asses to go out and do something on a Saturday night. So we decied to go to McDonalds, order a bucket of 50 chicken nuggets, and go back to Stephanie's to roll around and do nothing there instead. We watched One Hour Photo, The Piano, and The Pianist all in one sitting. I like the latter the best, although I was horribly depressed after watching it.

Crawfish night and Gary and Joy's. Holy shit, it was delicious. With the help of us girls, we were able to finish off a 41-pound bag of crawfish. And yes, we are all a big bunch of fatty fat fatties who will all probably die of high cholesterol by the time we are 32. We topped the night off with some chocolate fondue while watching Battle Royale. Nothing beats dipping strawberries in warm chocolate to the screamings of young Japanese kids dying and killing each other in the most obscene ways. And just FYI, we are probably the most masochistic group of people you'll ever meet. Thank God for games where the sole purpose is to hurt each other. But. Much thanks to Joy and Gary for making us amazing food, and providing us with some great laughs.

Goddamn, I'm not even going to go into just how lazy this day was. All I can say is, I blame Stephanie, and Din-Ho is delicious.
And others...
[Especially to my lil' bro Ian and lil' sis Heidi - You guys did it, and I couldn't be prouder!]

So here's your update. Eat it.
[Sorry for the occasional long paragraphs - I know how much you people hate them. *Cough* Vivian *Cough*]
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