Monday, July 26, 2004

It's 2:41 in the morning and I have nothing better to do than some silly little test from Quizilla.

Well, it's not really silly as much as it is just downright nerd-tastic. And I'm not quite sure whether to be proud of the fact that I'm a grammar god, or if I should be horribly embarrassed.

Grammar God!
You are a GRAMMAR GOD!

If your mission in life is not already to
preserve the English tongue, it should be.
Congratulations and thank you!

How grammatically sound are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You know, because English I can speaks very goodly.

S e h n E 13: HURRAY!
S e h n E 13: I AM A BASTARD!
S e h n E 13: holy shit, i rock!
S e h n E 13: i am so happy!

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