Wednesday, January 19, 2005

[Edit: Pictures always make things better. :D]

I've been sad. Like, really sad, ever since I got back to Austin.

I have completely lost any desire to go out or to see anyone. All I want to do is stay in my apartment and watch movies [which isn't all that bad, mind you, since I have the whole room to myself now]. But I've become so anti-social. What a loser.

It's gotten so bad that I called my mom, bawling, begging her to come visit me. And she is. This Friday.

Pathetic, I know.

I so lose at life. Fix me?

But finding neat things on the internet always cheers me up.

The Shocker - Haha. It's genius. [Via Julie]

Sushi Pillow - My birthday's coming up in a few weeks, don't feed me that crap about how you never know what to get me.

The Coolest Calculator on eBay - Check out the description. Did you know that ninjas liked math? [Via Vinh]

And a little comic from me to you:


Just for the record, love is not giving him most of your French fries. Are you fucking kidding me? Who the hell came up with this horseshit? Why don't you say more honest stuff more like, "Love is putting up with each other's farts and skid marks", or "Love is being able to spend more than 48 hours with each other without the use of a machete", or even "Love is being willing to pick each other's noses and not get grossed out". But if you touch my French fries, I will kill you.

Some ASR girls from UGA and Georgia Tech came here this past weekend. Hurrah! They're nice, they're fun, and they made me laugh. All is well in this world. A few pics:

Big group picture of everyone. I'm hiding my face because its hideousness would have broken the camera. Not really, but I had a bug bite above my lip and it was totally embarassing.Texas/Georgia at Chipotle.Oh, Mike Bui, don't you know it's bad to molest girls?

And I just want to bring this old picture back for kicks.

Yeah, I know the whole MasterCard 'Priceless' thing is played out. But this one was just too good...

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