Sunday, June 24, 2007

My new favorite bar to go to nowadays is Rain because:

1. The girls there are BUSTED. I'm not saying it to be mean, but you know... just sayin'. So I actually feel like hot shit when I go there.

2. When gay guys give you a compliment - they actually mean it. "Girrrrl, you look FABULOUS," has never meant more.

3. HOT GAY MEN. Mmm.

And a few pics from last night:

The former going-out crew - Me, Vivian, Phuong, and Joy! Uhm, hello Summer '05.

My bests.|Mmm. Hot.

Zeta love - together again!|4-way kisses like old times.

Hope y'all had as good of a night as I did! :)

[On a side note, I flew into Austin from Nashville at 10pm, and I was downtown by midnight. How much of an alcoholic am I?]


PROJECT 365 | 2011 said...

i iloves it. more alcoholism this summer! :)

fungwhen said...

damn it, vivian beat me to it. me...LOVES IT too!!

miss julie said...

love love love time!

is rain the new exodus? hahahha.