Monday, June 25, 2007

Nashville was a blasty-blast. I got to see old faces, and old places, and words can't describe how much I could have stayed longer. I'll let these pictures do the talking.

Cause I'm cool.Cause he's cool.
God, we're such nerds.

We went to visit Terence's old school, MBA. I used to love going to the football games to meet boys|Our old house - pretty huh? Man, we've had some good times here.

Yummy family dinner at Stoney River. The steak was delicious.

The girls at Rumba for 1/2 off bottles of wine|Us at PM for some after-wine beers.

Some old Chinese school friends - we go waaaay back. Practically grew up together.

Game nights might give you herpes|Me and my favorite Mollsey

*Sigh* I always get so homesick after I go back to Nashville. YOU ALL NEED TO COME VISIT ME.


miss julie said...

awwwww. pretty house! you make me miss dallas now...glad you had fun in TN!

Anonymous said...

man, nashville... craziness. i used to live there! wtf?!?