Monday, August 20, 2012

TWO posts in one day? I'm starting off strong, y'all.

So this just happened:

A customer comes in wanting to get her daughter's backpack embroidered with her initials. Then proceeds to argue with me about what initial goes in the middle.

Look lady, I don't care how you want it to look, but I'm telling you, traditional monogram goes:

First Last Middle

She then spends 15 minutes trying to pull up her friend's Facebook page because her friend had HER daughter's backpack monogrammed too, and wanted to see how SHE did it. 

Guess how her friend has her's. 

Then she can't decide on what font to use, so she has to get her mom to come in here to help her pick. And while I'm trying to write down her information, she takes a phone call that last for 10 minutes. 


As she's leaving the store, she informs me that she will be back on Wednesday with her mom to do some more shopping. I can't wait!

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