Thursday, November 22, 2001


Thanksgiving has kinda lost its meaning for me. The past couple of years, my mom and I would just go to someone's house that I don't know too well and eat lots of good food. And yeah... that's great, and don't get me wrong, I don't really mind cause c'mon, Potluck dinner + 20 Chinese Familes = Heaven For a Night. So yeah. Nothing to complain about... except... it kinda goes along with how Thanksgiving losing meaningness for me. I don't know... but isn't T-giving supposed to be about being grateful for everything? And being with your family? And all that cheesy goodness? I remember the first Thanksgiving I had here in the States. My mom went to Memphis to do some business work and my dad picked me up from school on Wednesday and told me that we are going down there to suprise my mom. So. We did. And he took us out to a fancy restaurant (well, as fancy as restaurants can get in Memphis anyway) and it was yum. Then the year my brother moved here, we had a huge family reunion type thing. People from all over the world ~ Taiwan, Hong Kong, Toronto, Houston, LA, Shanghai, Hawaii ~ came just for this one weekend. I met cousins, uncles, anuts, that I never knew existed. And... though cleanup was a bitch, it was incredible. Seeing all of my family there at once. And... it was just a great feeling. We've never had a family reunion since~ Or such a big party for Thanksgiving. But after that, we had our annual fondue-at-home dinners, which just plain kicked ass. We ate until we felt like we were going to throw up and then ate some more. Leaves you with the feeling like you've just gained 70 pounds. But. I don't remember ever doing that once my dad died and Terence went to college. I guess having a huge meal with just two people didn't seem too appealing. So we just ended up going to other people's houses. Which is fine because that's like, Thanksgiving dinner times 20. But... just... sometimes I miss our own dinners, you know? The ones were it was just me, my dad, mom, and brother. And when I asked my friends what they were doing this year, they would say they are either flying out to have dinner with their grandparents, or have a big family dinner at their house and their older siblings are coming back from college to join them... it makes me kinda sad because I don't have that. Most of my family are on the other side of the country, my brother is staying with Austin, so it's just me and my mom. Which is why I'd put her at the top of the list of things I'm grateful for. Cause, well, she's technically all I've got, and without her, well, I'd have no one to celebrate anything with, let alone Thanksgiving. I apologize if I'm getting to sappy for your liking... but... Just be happy that you have something that many people don't and would die to have. And as to what I'm gonna be doing this year for Thanksgiving... probably going to someone I don't know's house for potluck. Happy Turkey Day!

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