I got an email right as I finished filling out my financial aid stuff for college... It was one of those survey thingies that were ever so popular back in the olden days (like 6th and 7th grades). I didn't even think they still existed! So much to my delight, I filled it out. Now, I will share it with the rest of you and let all of you treasure and hold it dear to your hearts for the rest of your lives... [Warning: Extremely long and unecessary, and full of stuff you would never need or want to know about me.]
Full name: Tammy Cheng
Aliases: Tien-pei, Taiwammy, Meat Head, Boo, Tamzilla, Whammy, "Tiiimmmmaaayyyy", Ho-bag, Dorkwad
Birthday: 3-18-1985 (Mark it on your calendar, folks.)
Birthplace: Taiwan
Home as of now: Nashville. Or, should I say, Ca$hville?
Height: 5'7''
Siblings: Other brother - T
Pets: My mom told me "no pet rocks". =(
Nationality: Taiwanese, biatch! (You have to say it like that...)
Eye color: Dark brown
Hair color: Black with highlights.
Best feature: My hands
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
First crush: A boy named Steven from 1st grade. We got married, too.
Boyfriend/girlfriend of now: David
Crush: Your mom.
Color of your room: White
Hobbies: Chilling with friends, watching movies at Molly's, listening to music, messing around on the computer.
What were you doing 15 mins ago: Doing financial aid stuff
What are you wearing now: My Diesel jeans and my animal crackers hoodie.
Do you smoke? Ew, no.
Do you drink? No
Are you shy or outgoing? Mostly outgoing, but can be shy at times.
What do you want from a partner? Hot monkey sex every single night. Niceness, honesty, and cookies.
Tan or fair: Depends on who it is.
Punk or prep: I don't know... I like both.
Older/younger: Older
Smart/dumb: S-m-r-t
Funny/serious: Mostly funny, but have to know when to be serious.
All I need is... Friends, sleep, some lovin', hugs, orange juice, muchas kisses, food.
Love is.... one of the best things ever, and yet one of the crappiest things ever.
I'm afraid of... spiders. Oh, and I also have this irrational fear of me flying out the car if the door's unlocked when it's going 60 mph. Then, I will get run over by the wheels like that woman did in Speed and then crash into some oncoming car's windshield. That person will then have to use his or her windshield wipers to wipe all that blood off...
I dream about... "Army of Rats", getting into college, things I don't remember anymore.
Coke or Pepsi? Coke
Flowers or Candy? Both are tasty =)
Scruff or Clean Shaven? Mmm... I like both for this one too.
What do you notice first? Smile
Last person you slow-danced with? David
Worst thing said to you? Uhh... Let's not go there. ^_~
Makes you laugh the most? Molly, Heather, NN, Lindsey, David, Ari (only because we're laughing *at* him...), Carly, Sivvy, Lauren.
Makes you smile? All my friends have the ability to do that...
Gives you a funny feeling when you see them? David... but in the good way!
Has a crush on you? That guy at Krystals...
Easier to talk to... Boys or girls?: Girls
Sit all day waiting for someone special to IM you? Once in a while, yeah.
Save aol/aim conversations? I used to, but not anymore.
Cried because of someone saying something to you? Um. Yes. >_<
Been in love? Mmmhmm. As we speak.
Fallen for a best friend? Almost... (Haha~ Esther... ^_~)
Been rejected? Mmmhmm.
Rejected someone? Yeah...
Been cheated on? Not that I know of... I sure hope I haven't!
Cheated on someone? No
Made out with JUST a friend? No
Been in lust? Yeah...
Used someone? I use people for their brain power. And food.
Been used? For cheap, meaningless sex? No.
Been kissed? Yeah
Done something you regret? Only one or two things. I try to live life without any regrets, as cliche as that sounds.
Color your hair? Highlights
Have tattoos? No
Piercings? Yes. Pleanty.
Floss daily? No. I'm too lazy.
Own a webcam? No.
Ever get off the damn computer? Not nearly enough.
Sprechen sie deutsche? DuHast? No?
Habla espanol? Si, pero... I SUCK AT IT.
Considered a life of crime? Now that you mention it...
Considered being a hooker? Now that you mention it...
Considered being a pimp? I *am* a pimp.
Are you psycho? Yes. Muahahahaha.
Split personalities? What? You haven't met my friend, Alfred?
Schizophrenic? I used to be, but we're okay now.
Obsessive? Over certain things... Like, I can't stand it when people touch my throat. [And please, don't do that if you see me because it will really freak me out and I'll have trouble breathing. And then I might have to punch you in the face.] I think I was strangled as a baby.
Obsessive compulsive? Not that I know of.
Panic? Yeah.
Anxiety? Yeah.
Depressed? Sometimes. Very rarely though.
Suicidal? Nah.
Obsessed with hate? No.
Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? Once. But I didn't like that dream.
What are you listening to? The Hives - Hate to Say I Told You So
Can you do anything freakish with your body? No! I wish I could though!
Chicken or fish? Chicken
Do you have a favorite animal? Pandas and tigers.
Food: Sushi
Drink: Dr. Pepper and orange juice
Color: Blue, pink, black, and silver
Shoes: My rip-off Timberland clogs.
Candy: Twix, strawberry Creamsavers
TV Show: Gilmore Girls, Will and Grace, That 70's Show
Vegetable: Cauliflower
Fruit: Grapes, oranges, watermelon, peaches... Actually, I like pretty much every fruit except apples.
Number: 2
Holiday: Christmas
Radio station: The radio sucks balls.
Understanding: Try to be
Arrogant: I hope not
Insecure: Somtiemes
Interesting: Is that just a nicer way to say "really weird"?
Hungry: All the time
Friendly: Try to be
Smart: I can be if I really applied my self, which I don't, so...
Moody: Sometimes
Childish: All the time
Independent: Yes, and Destiny's Child says so.
Hard working: I'm the biggest slacker...
Organized: Not really
Healthy: Eh.
Emotionally stable: Most the time
Shy: Not often
Difficult: As a girlfriend? Yes.
Attractive: To mosquitos.
Bored Easily: Yes
Thirsty: Yeah
Responsible: Try to be
Sad: Sometimes
Happy: Try to be
Trusting: I hope so
Talkative: Too talkative =P
Original: Sometimes
Different: Sure
Unique: Okay
Lonely: Yeah, I miss Boy.
Kill: No one.
Look Like: Catherine Zeta Jones
Be Like: Alf
Talk To Offline: Carly or David or Sivvy
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? Hot chocolate
McDonalds or Burger King? Burger King
Marry the perfect lover or a best friend? Best friend
Sweet or sour? Oooh both together
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? Dr. Pepper
Sappy/action/comedy/horror? Comedy
Cats or dogs? Dogs
Ocean or Pool? Ocean, as long as it's not as gross as the one we went to in Taiwan.
Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? Nacho Cheese
Mud or Jell-O wrestling? Jell-O
With or without ice-cubes? With
Shine or rain? Shine
Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? Spring
Vanilla or Chocolate? Chocolate
Cake or cookies? Cookies... or maybe brownies... mmm...
Cereal or toast? Cereal
Fly or breathe under water? Fly
Bunk-bed or waterbed? Waterbed
Chewing gum or hard candy? Gum
Lights on or off? Off
Tuesday, January 28, 2003
Brought to You By Tammy at 9:40 PM
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