Sunday, May 29, 2005

Trance and techno should never be allowed in bars and clubs.

In fact, they should never be allowed in any public vicinity.

God, I hate shitty music.

But I sure do love the PenisLlama! [Make sure your volume is up. It's amazing.]

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Happy Birthday, Julie!!!

I love our constant tongue action :D

So I went out with the ladies again tonight to our beloved 6th Street. And just my luck, our first drink of the evening was a Flaming Dr. Pepper. Granted, when I realized what the bartender was making, I quickly said, "AW HELL NO", and ran away from the bar. I still drank it though because they are just THAT GOOD. Man, I'm so hardcore.

Anyway, to my Julie - hope you had a good time tonight, and a even better time tomorrow recuperating. Sorry I couldn't stay the whole time, but I'm hoping that you got to that 21st shot!

In other news, Daniel left me all by my lonesome to go to India for the ENTIRE summer. I'm not really sure how I got suckered into another long distance relationship. Damn you and your conniving ways. *Shakes fist* I'm definitely sad, and really lonely, especially now that I won't have my drinking partner for the next 3 months (but I'll still have you, Joy). Try not to do anything stupid where you go and hurt yourself. I need you back in one piece, please.

And buy me things. Like bindis and curry. Haha. I'm such a racist.

I'll leave you with a picture of your favorite:

It's my other main man, Hercules. Who's totally replacing you right now. Yeah, you see that? He's on MY BED. Hurry back before he takes me away from you.

And to the rest of you - since I promised Daniel that I wouldn't kiss anyone else while he's gone (with the exception of Joy. And Phuong. And Kelli. And Vivian. And any other hot girl), I'll do it via Blogger. That's not cheating, right?


Good night!


I just noticed that out of the 15 posts right now on this page, 10 of them mention alcohol one way or another.

Hi, my name is Tammy and I'm an alcoholic.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Happy Birthday, Joy!!!

Haha, you're my favorite whore. Have a good one!

Stay tuned for some sexcellent pictures.


As promised:

Annie, Tam, Phuong, and Me in the back of Grace's car.Yay I'm so cute!Joy - why are our heads so damn big?Haha - I love that face, Phuong.
Me and Phuong trying to have big boobs but to no avail. I like how Tam doesn't even have to try. No fair!Yay for boobies!And yay for shots!I love these ladies!
Mmm... Woo Woo.Phuong, Joy, Grace, Annie, and Tam at their finest.Group shot of the girls.

The Tequila Shot

Step 1: Look around nervously as your friends take the Patron shot before you do so you can see the looks of digust on their faces. Mentally prepare yourself.

Mmm Patron.

Step 2: Feel like a total dork since everyone took the shot before you did. Now you have to take it all alone. Haha. Loser.

Aw sad, I have no friends.

Step 3: Lick as much salt off the glass as you can; take the shot; suck on the lime until the taste of GROSS leaves your mouth.

Oh thank goodness for lime.

Step 4: Yay! Now repeat Steps 1-3 five more times.

Yay! Drunk!

Step 5: Hurray! You're smashed! Now all you have to do is throw up all over the bar (or you can be like Joy and hurl into the shot glass) and pass out. Congratulations, you have passed the Tequila shot test.


Now. Embarrasing pictures of the birthday girl.

Love your epic tits, Joy.YMCA?Fabulous purse, darling.Haha.

And that's that. Thanks for the pictures, Joy. Now gimme cookies.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

It's 8 in the morning and I can't sleep because I feel like ASS.

So I didn't intend on drinking whatsoever last night, but after going to Daniel's roommates' apartment party, I got completely plastered.

Fuck you, everclear punch.

Then I vaguely remember coming back here. You see, everclear has the lovely privilege (<--- Is that how you spell it? The more I look at it, the funnier it seems) of being the one and only alcohol to make me forget things. Woo hoo.

Why is there a burrito on my floor?

I think I cried at some point last night as well because I am Visor Head today. Gosh, I'm such a loser.

How is it that the only thing good on TV at this time is Will Smith's video for "Switch". Haha, just kidding. The Wiggles is on.

Ow. It hurts.

But, I do have an amazing boyfriend. Yay!

Please jab dull pencils into my face. Thanks.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I went to Houston with the Daniel on Monday night.

I got to meet the fam. They are ridiculously nice. I'm a fan, although it kind of makes me miss home :(

We finally got our dim-sum fix. And it was goooood.

We went to the Museum of Natural Sciences. It was fun, depsite the huge crowds of tiny children. Oh, and I love pretty rocks. :D

Almost as much as I love waiting in lines.

I enjoy days consisting entirely of food and more food. Thanks for a fun two days, you.

My roommate got drums. I don't know how I feel about this. Maybe I should buy ear plugs? [Haha, just kidding.]

Here's the illustrated story of how Daniel and I met:

Click! --> Make sure you set the speed faster or else you'll be stuck watching that all day. Not that you won't anyway since you will be BLOWN AWAY by my amazing artistic talents.
[Link via Anita]

Momzilla will be coming here at the end of May. Woo hoo!

Me as a South Park character.

Yeah, I thought the machine gun was a nice touch too.

Man, I'm boring.

Wednesday, May 4, 2005


So I got my old screenname back today! You have no idea what joy this brings me. You probably won't understand my happiness unless you've known me when I had this screen name (Stephanie? Back me up on this...) This sn has stuck by me through the thick and thin for four wonderful years. I kind of lost hope for a minute there thinking it was lost forever, but alas! Here it is. Oh, how I've missed thee.

Welcome back, SooshiMooshi.

Spoon635: it's like you're in 10th grade again
SooshiMooshi: haha oh yes
Spoon635: too bad you're not as cool as you were back then


Happy May! Holy crap, time is flying by.

It needs to fly to the 14th where I'll be done with all my classes and finals, where I can just sleep in all day and play all night!

Wait. I'm already doing that. Whee!


  • I have three days left at Spencer's. Thank God. I mean, as much as I love telling kids, "Don't touch that, no running, put that back, don't touch that, stop yelling, DON'T TOUCH THAT IT SAYS DO NOT TOUCH SO DON'T TOUCH CAN YOU NOT READ?!" I think it's about time I move on in the world. So I am. To downstairs in the mall at J. Crew. Woo hoo discounts! I will, however, miss these t-shirts:

    Happy Bunny is getting way over-played. But he still makes me chuckle a little on the inside.Rock out with your cock out.Hehe.

  • Our apartment is DISGUSTING. I'd put up some pictures for you to see but I think you might throw up all over you keyboard and fuck up your computer. But yeah, it's totally grody. You're not allowed to come over anymore.

  • Good God, I need to start eating healthier. I love junk food so much, but I know this can't be good for me in the long run. Sometimes I marvel at the fact that I'm not morbidly obese despite the ridiculous amounts of fast food I eat.

  • I've been spending way too much freaking time with the Daniel. Which is actually fine by me because I like to get drunk and tell him how much I like him. And tell him I'm a rock. And laugh at elephants because they eat peanuts. And make out in public bathrooms. And talk in my sleep. And jab him in the eye. HAHA. I'm the best girlfriend, EVER.

    Us at our weekly visit to Austin's Pizza. Probably drunk.

  • My arm is all better because I have AMAZING MAGICAL HEALING POWERS. It scarred a little bit but that's okay because when people ask me what happened, I can be all "Yeah I totally caught on fire this one time... AND I SURVIVED OHMYGOD I'M IMCREDIBLE LOVE ME."

  • I miss Sixth Street. Actually, I just miss doing this on Sixth:

    That's Vivian, Me, and Kelli dancing on top of a bar at Co-Op. Yay!

  • Finals are the suck. I can't wait for it all to be over... so... I can take more classes over the summer! Gosh, I love school. So any of you gonna be here over the summer as well? Let's play!

  • Congrats to the new ASR chairs for next semester. And Julie, welcome back! We've missed you and the Zetas can finally be reunited. Good luck with being pledge mom!

    Me and MsJulz. Me as a blonde. And no, I do not look like a porn star.

    Now I have to go get ready for work. *Whine*