Monday, January 23, 2006

Stuff for you to click on!

First, the pictures from this lovely weekend. Thanks to all you bitches who came to our party last night. Thanks to Phuong and Richard for walking with my drunk ass to the E-Bus/home. Thanks to Phuong for taking horribly embarrasing/hammered pictures of me.
[Click to enlarge, mouseover for comments.]

Me up on my counter, trying to put up the USC/TX poster Chris stole from Sam's.It's higher than it looks up there!Phuong wrapping my Christmas present... using my own shoe box.The beautiful wrapping job she did.Me and my favorite bellini from Bennigan's on Friday night. Yum!
HAHA. This is what I was planning on wearing to our party, but then I decided I should probably wear some pants.Gratuitous pictures of myself! Yaaay I'm a megalomaniac! Man, I had such a good hair-day... and then, IT RAINED. Boo.My mom says that my head looks too big when I curl my hair. She called me a 'Lion Head'. That makes me sad.I love my contacts. I'm going to marry them.Alpha Sigma Rho Delta Chi: Diana, Me, Kim, Phuong, and Jennifer.
Me and Twansicle.Me and Pat.My favorite Richard.Welcome back, Prudon! Phuong, Jeff, Me, and Hussain.Phuong and I waiting outside in the rain and cold for the E-Bus.
E-bus! In the middle of the street!Whatcha lookin' at, Phuong??God, cause I wasn't drunk or anything...Karen, Phuong, Me, Carol, and Tony at Spiro's.When we got home, I crawled immediately into bed because I was so cold.
GO AWAY I'M ON THE FUCKING PHONE!PHUONG! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY LAPTOP? WHY IS MY SCREEN SIDEWAYS?!My fatty sleeping at the foot of my bed.He likes to find the most uncomfortable spot to sleep on me. Like my hand.Haha. Stupid cat.

Second, fun links!

  • The reason why I love my home country. We breed glowing pigs! Neat! [Via Emily]
  • Bill Maher's New Rules for the New Year. [Via Emily]
  • How to Destroy the Earth - It's actually a lot more difficult than you'd think. [Via Chris]
  • Drum Machine - How cool is this little flash animation? I love Japanese people.
  • Remind me again, why do we need a gun that can fire 240,000 rounds per minute?
  • This clip of JCVD makes me laugh everytime I see it. [Via PlanetDan]

    Third, new links I added to my side bar:

  • Cute Overload - This site seriously makes me want to throw up and then gouge my eyes out with rusty spoons because it's just so fucking cute.
  • Defective Yeti - Hehe. Funny stuff.
  • Get Shuked - Hilarious guides and "how-tos" for your everyday college life. The suicide one is too good. [Via Waterman]
  • Jay Is Games - An entire website dedicated to free flash games. Uhm, yeah, good-bye free time!
  • Numanga - I rarely read people's Xangas unless they are my friends, but here I am, adding two of them because they are just so damn entertaining.
  • PostSecret - I probably should have posted this up earlier, since it's just such an amazing site, but I never got a chance to. Some of the secrets are funny, but a lot of them are so depressing that I've almost been brought to tears reading them. Yet, I can't get over just how beautifully created they are.
  • WutUWatin4 - The other Xanga I was talking about. Hilarious guy, and he talkes about poop a lot. Yay!

    And fourth, the Mouse-Click Game! I only got 38, but I could swear that the counter is off. Let's see how you do.

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