Happy Turkey Day!!!
So I'm totally jacking this idea from
Julie. Only because it's *such* a good idea though.
For this Thanksgiving, I thank thee...
Sivan ~ What would I ever do without you, girl? I know you've had it pretty bad this semester with your STUPID MAJOR THAT NEVER LETS YOU SLEEP. Even so, you've always seem to have made time to talk to my pathetic little self. I will never forget all those times we've had together... from when I was just your "schedule buddy" in 6th grade to the times when we were stupidly obsessed with Hanson and to our little "Ray moments"
this past summer for the past 5 years. We've seen each other through the toughest times, and through the happiest ~ I'm just glad to say that I got to share those times with you. I think it's amazing that we've been... us... for so long and I'm so glad that I have a person like you in my life. Thank you for always being there for me and for being my therapist and for putting up with my calls late at night while I'm crying so hard I could barely talk. You are a sister to me and I love you like crazy. Plus, you are my favorite Jew, ever.
Mommy ~ I know the Mom never reads this, but I just wanted to let you people know how super she is. Mommy, you are my whole world. It has been just us two for the past 6 years, and it’s going to be weird having someone else that’s not me take care of you now. But I’ll try not to be too jealous. Thanks for being the best mother anyone could ever hope for. You were always patient with my stupid and arrogant self. I think if I were you, I would have thrown me against a wall a long time ago. But thank you for not doing that. Thanks for putting up with my stubbornness, neediness, and my excruciating cell phone bills. You are going to start a brand new life now and you will have to be a mother to two new kids. And if they ever make you cry, I will make them cry.
Terence ~ You are the coolest brother, ever. I thank you for the gifts you buy me, the food that I always steal from your fridge, your *awesome* water, your big-screen TV, your comfortable guest bed, and the constant slaps upside my head. What more could I ask for in an older brother? Oh yeah… wanna get me a gamecube for Christmas?
Molly ~ You have the most magnificent hips in the whole world. And for that, I thank you. Actually, I thank you for a lot more than that. I still remember how awkward it was when it was just us two out to lunch senior year when I didn’t know you at all. Who knew that we would become good enough friends for you to come visit me in Austin (and *not* just shop at Urban Outfitters, you ho)? Speaking of shopping, you are the worst shopping buddy, EVER. You make me broke. But I still love you. Thanks for listening to me whine and complain about “Mr. Tool”, and for always making me laugh – be it at you or with you, it doesn’t matter. And remember, we are the two most sarcastic bitches in the whole world. I love you and your big hips.
Esther ~ I know that I haven’t talked to you much at all this semester now that I’m in Austin, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not thinking about you. You have been one of my closest friends for a long time and knowing I’ll be seeing you every Sunday made my Church-going experience a lot more enjoyable. I will never forget the times during high school when we would yell out of your car at unsuspecting victims or the numerous nights I spent on the air mattress in you room. I still have our little notebook, by the way. You are one of the most talented people I know, and when you become famous, I’ll be proud to say that I know you. Thank you for always being my favorite FOB, and I’m always happy when people say I look like you because damn, you’re hot.
Big Steve ~ Dude, I miss you so much! I got to know you a lot better after I started working with you this past year. You are seriously like a second brother to me and I was so sad to have to leave you after summer. Work was always more enjoyable with you around… especially on Wednesdays when it was just you and me and the whole restaurant to ourselves. I loved making fun of people in Chinese with you and taking pictures with our matching picture phones. I will never forget that day when Grace came in wearing the same clothes as you… that was just priceless. Thank you for being so down to Earth about everything, and for always cheering me up when I needed it. “Your mom’s face!”
Carly ~ Oh Carly, how I miss you so. I know that you’ve had it pretty rough this past year with all the crap that’s going on in your life, and I wish that I was there so I can give you a big ole hug. Just hang in there, I know you are strong. Thank you for always being such a sweetheart, and always being so selfless. That goes a long way, you know. You have always been such an inspiration to me – through your faith, your passion for photography, your love for your family, and through being your dorky self. You are one of the most beautiful girls I know and I’m just proud to say that I know you. I would totally go after you if I were a guy and it’s just too bad I’m not. So I guess I have to resort to biting you. ^_~
Emma ~ I hope things are going great down there in Mississippi and that you are corrupting the minds of those crazy southerners. You never fail to amaze me with your s-m-r-t-ness and your open-mindedness about pretty much everything. I think you made me look at life in a different way, and I thank you for that. We chilled a lot this past year, and I think you and I had a lot in common… especially when it came to boys and relationships. Thank you for those numerous times we spent at your farm and in your hot tub, and how can I forget about you peeing off the ledge? We’ve definitely had some good laughs and that’s something I can always look back upon and smile. “HIEEEEEE!”
Lindsey ~ Schmoopie!!! Or should I say, the next Mia Hamm? Gosh, I miss you sooo much, and I can’t believe that I actually went by one whole semester without seeing you and goofing off with you. Thanks for always being so laid back so that I never had to worry about dealing with all that drama. I will never forget how cute you looked when you got your wisdom teeth pulled and how much I wanted to poke your face. Thank you for constantly making me laugh with your crazy ass. By the way, how’s Ludacris’ cousin doing? Tennessee Tina can’t wait to see you again! And remember: Show me your Peay-ness.
Heather ~ My favorite fathead in the whole world! How can I forget the bazillion projects we worked on together for AP US history? I guess that’s how we met, huh? But I’m definitely glad I’ve gotten to know you better over the past couple of years. Thank you for always driving me places in your thugged-out car. I especially loved it when you would push the seat all the way back and crank the ghetto music up really loud. It’s fun to pretend that we are white trash! Thanks for always putting a smile on my face and for being such a goober. I know that you’re not liking your college too much and are thinking about transferring to UTK next year, so I hope all of that goes well. And do say hello to dear Kaelin for me.
Emily ~ I know that you are living it up in Ohio, but I hope you didn't forget about us girls! We’ve become better friends our senior year, and I’m glad we have because where else am I going to find someone who says “suppose-a-bly”, and “you’re grossing me out”? So basically, where else am I going to find someone who speaks English as bad as I do? Anyway, thanks for being a dork with me all the time and for always being there to listen to my stupid problems. You definitely made AP Euro a lot more enjoyable (the times that I was awake, anyway). We need to go back to Florida and “throw some elbows”!
Gaby ~ I always look back at my senior year and wonder why the hell I ever got into BC Calc. But then I think, if I didn’t, then you and I probably wouldn’t have gotten to be good friends. Thanks for always making me want to do better in school – I don’t know why you ever freaked out about not getting into college, but I’m glad you did, because it forced me to finish my own applications. You always strived to excel at everything and that just made me want to do even better. So, thank you for that, Ms. Smarty Pants. You told me the other day that you were having boy problems, and all I have to say is that you need to start beating the off with a stick. Thanks for being the coolest El Salvadorian chica, ever!
To You TN Girls ~ I'm so sad that I don't get to see you guys over Thanksgiving, because I was really looking forward to it. College just isn't the same without you ho-bags. I miss you guys so much and I can't wait to hang out over Christmas break and catch up on old time. Tammy loves you all.
Jason ~ You are such a dork but you are still a pretty bad ass big bro. I’m glad that you talked to me during one of our first mixers, otherwise I would have never picked you as my big bro. But I’m glad I did because you are probably one of the nicest people I have ever met. Gay, but nice (haha – just kidding). Thank you for staying up talking with me until wee hours of the morning, for lending a listening ear whenever I needed to vent, for making me play Bomberman (“I pick your ass up, and throw your ass out.”), and for just being the freak that you are. I will miss you a lot next semester when you go back to Houston and you better not forget about us. Stay strong, and know that we are all here for you. I <3 you, GayBoy.
Sarah ~ You are the best drunken roommate anyone could ever ask for. My room is kinda lonely now that you’re not in it and that I can’t just reach over from my bed to hit you. I was really nervous about the whole roommate situation when I first moved here, but I’m so glad that I ended up with you. You are quite possibly the most energetic, hyper-active, boy-crazy, alcoholic, girl I’ve ever met, but you never fail to make me laugh. Thanks for always offering a tissue when I’m crying on the phone and not getting too annoyed with me. I also love talking to you on AIM when you are right next to me. I am definitely gonna miss having you as a roommate next year. Go DG’s!
Julie ~ Big boobie girl! I don’t know how I can ever thank you for being there for me throughout pledging. I know that I was probably the whiney little bitch but you always made me feel better. Thank you for taking care of me these past few weeks and always encouraging me to go on when I thought I couldn’t. Thank you for letting us trash your apartment all the damn time and for driving us everywhere (with my car…). I don’t know what I would do without you. I think I would just keep getting lost everywhere. Anyway, thanks for being so supportive and for always being there when I needed some encouragement. And I know I can always count on you to be blunt with me if I’m wearing some ugly outfit.
Vivian ~ Or should I say, Ms. Veeh? Much thanks to you these past couple of months for always being a nerd with me and having “lesbian tensions”. It means a lot to have someone always encouraging me and giving me a hug when I need it most. Thanks for letting us pass out in your stanky room that one week and making it all gross (my earrings are still in there, I believe). I’m not sure if you could ever find the perfect guy though… with your insatiable desire for Louis Vuittons, ugly Subaru’s, designer clothes, and Chloe hotdogs. You are an awesome person, and I’m proud to have you as a pledge sis. “This how we do it where I’m from, thuggin’ in the club till I see the sun… shiiiiine…”
Phuong ~ Hey! By the time you actually read this, it will probably be 3 months too late because YOU DIDN’T HOOK YOUR INTERNET UP. I still love you though. I still remember you from the first ASR rush even when I seriously thought that you were 27 years old. So imagine my shock when I found out that you were actually only
19 18 19. It’s been awesome getting to know you and I think you and I have a lot in common… we are the innocent ones, remember? You always know what to say and what I want to hear when I’m down in the dumps. That in itself means more than you will ever know. When you started crying that one night (you know what night I’m talking about) I thought… “Wow, she really cares”. So. Thank you, Phuongus. I love you and your big ass.
Stephanie ~ Senny B!!! Awww it’s my Stephanie! I’m glad that you became our 6th pledge sister for the last couple of weeks of pledging. You are so funny and I love just being a total goofball with you and I love it when we crack ourselves up. I know that I can always count on you to stay up with me until ungodly hours of the morning when everyone else is too busy being pansies and sleeping. I’m glad that we are getting you used to hugs now. You’ll thank us later. I loved our date last night, by the way... I can't believe you actually can stand me after my little run-ins with the curb and my sad attempts at playing video games. I still want some bubble tea, damnit! Oh, and I love the pink tumor. It keeps me quite warm at night.
Lilian ~ Yay for our pledge mommy! Thank you so much for being there for us these past few months. I know that you have been mad busy with everything you do, but yet you still made time for your Zetas. And we love you for that. We couldn’t have asked for a better pledge mom. I also thank you for talking to me and just listening to any problems I had despite your busy schedule. And of course, I love walking home with you after meetings… makes everything so much more enjoyable. =) Thanks, Lilian.
Kelli ~ T is for Tennessee (not Texas)!!! I'm so glad that you talked to me during the rush event... I think that you were probably one of the main reasons as to why I decided to pledge for ASR, and I thank you for that =) I'm glad that I got to know you better throughout these past two months and that you always let me know that you were there if I ever needed to talk to someone. I don't think I could ever forget this weekend, if you know what I'm sayin'... Us crazy Tennessee girls sure do know how to have fun!
ASR Ladies ~ I am so proud to be called one of your sisters now, and I’m also really glad that I went through pledging. I definitely had some doubts and there were times when I really thought that I just couldn’t do it anymore. But I’m glad that I stuck through because otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten to know such wonderful people like you girls. I’ve become closer with some of you guys and I can’t wait to do the same with the rest. Thank you for being there for me… oh, and of course, thanks or calling me the next day to make sure that I’m okay and then to make fun of me.
And of course, last, but definitely not least...
David ~ God, where do I begin? Words can't even begin to describe how much I love you for being there for me, and for being the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. I know that we have been through a lot of shit lately with me pledging and doing all my sorority stuff, but somehow, you stuck through. I don't know if I could ever thank you enough for that, and you don't know how much that means to me. These past 3 years have been amazing and I cherish every moment of it (even when we argue – Because “bad times wake us up to the good times we weren't paying attention to”). We've had our definite ups and downs, and there were times when I thought I couldn't go on anymore. But I'm glad I did, and there's never a day that goes by that I don't think about how happy I am to have you in my life. I'm sorry about everything. I truly love you. And I know that I use the same word to describe my affection for shoes or really amazing hand lotion, but I really, really do love you. You are my everything and I wouldn’t mind spending eternity with you. Waking up in your arms has got to be one of the most amazing feelings in the world. You have taught me so much and I thank you or making me who I am today. I love you, baby... Oh, and... please, "Unbreak my heart".
Anyway, I hope all have a great Thanksgiving, and make sure you eat lots and gain lots of weight. Afterall, that *is* what Thanksgiving is for, right? Friends? Family? Who needs 'em when you've got a 12 pound turkey waiting for you on the dinner table!?
Just kidding, I love you guys, and I'm thankful for all of you who've made an impact on my life and who've left footprints in my heart.