Thursday, April 29, 2004

My heart hurts. =(

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

I'm bored. I've been up for quite sometime and I don't know what to do with myself because I'm never up this early on a Tuesday. I was planning on doing another lame weekend update but it seems as though everyone already beat me to it. So if you want to see pictures from my formal and afterparty, look elsewhere.

I did, however, spend about an hour talking to David on the phone. All I say is, I love that boy. Especially when he farts into the phone as a gesture of his love and affection for me. If that doesn't scream "romantic", I'm not sure what does.

He also told me how a boy fought a bear. Which is about the coolest damn thing since that guy who cut his own arm off with a pocket knife. "A 15-year-old boy on a wilderness expedition for emotionally troubled youths woke up to find a 400-pound brown bear with a bad attitude sitting at his feet." The boy and the bear then proceeded to get drunk off their asses together and reprimand the world of its injustices.

And this kid lived in the campus library for 8 months and now is living in a free dorm. I'm totally gonna start sleeping at the PCL next semester... Oh wait, I've already done that. But maybe I can get some free housing out of this?
[Links via Eric.]

And to top things off, this is what boredom lead to:


"What's the square root of pi ?"
"I don't give a damn unless I get a piece!"

Stephanie is sad.

Therefore I am sad.

Because Stephanie = Tammy.

We are sad.


My heart cries.


Sunday, April 25, 2004

Oh, and I saw Sam Wise Gamgee today and it was totally exciting.

Story of the day:

One time, there were these guys.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Hello everyone. My name is Tamela. I am updating. I suck at updating. I'm really a man.

My favorite thing to do is to fart under my covers and then stick my head under the covers. I enjoy the smell of my own farts. They are truly delicious. Sometimes, I don't even go to class because I am busy smelling my own farts. I want to ask Stephanie and Phuong to join me under the covers, but I don't know if they will appreciate my farts as much as I do. I would certainly join them in smelling their farts. But I suppose everyone prefers their own brand.

I would like to confess a few things right now.
1) I love Brett Simpson. If there is any chance that he reads this, I want this to act as a marriage proposal.
2) My boobs are fake. I never knew inverted fake boobs could be done, but they can. It's a miracle.
3) I'm not really Asian. My name is really Tammy O'Cheng. I'm Scottish.
4) Molly and her roommate Sydney have made me realize that I want to become a lesbian and run off with them to Vermont.
5) Scary Spice is my favorite.

Thank you for listening. Farts and comments are appreciated.

Quotes from tonight by Sivan:

"Just because it's from behind, doesn't mean it's anal."

"If I blonde and had dimples, I'd be the hottest chick alive."

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Before I forget...

Happy Birthday, Terence!!!

Smile! You're almost 30.

Congratulations on being old, Bighead.

Holy shit, DDR is the bomb-diggity.

Yeah. It is.

Not only do I get to improve on my mad dancing skills, I get to burn off some calories in the process. Nothing says "fit" like jumping on arrows to the beat of bad techno songs.

It was a nice way to end my night after a day of doing abso-fucking-lutely nothing. Oh wait, I did laundry. A whole month's worth, in fact. I'm disgusting and I'm proud.

Oh, and for the record, I love Cybersex.

And again... words of wisdom:

"What's studying? I have to look up studying in a dictionary."
"What's a dictionary?"

"The best way to get over a guy, is to get under another one."

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I seriously don't think I can be any lazier than I have been lately.

You can just call me Useless.

In other news, happy 4-20.

And I leave you with some words of wisdom from Sivan:

"Men are like a fine wine. They start out as grapes, and it's up to women to stomp the shit out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with."

Saturday, April 17, 2004

I get to go on a boat today. Vroom!


Okay. Sorry. Lame post, I know.

I had a great weekend. Going to the lake Saturday morning on two hours of sleep was awesome even though the water was a little too cold. I did, however, get a great tan. On my face. When I wore sunglasses.

I hate life.

So anyway, our brother fraternity Gamma Beta's formal was that night. The guys who are graduating this semester made some really touching speeches that made my sissy-ass cry. But that's beside the point: Congratulations to the Theta class - especially to my lil' bro Ian. You guys are awesome.

After their after-party, I went back to Stephanie's and passed out on her futon. For 14 straight hours. I woke up at around 4 in the evening only to fall back asleep until 6. Oh my fucking god, what the hell is wrong with me. Oh yeah, I blame my poor sleeping habits on Stephanie's apartment. IT'S NOT ME, I SWEAR.

And because everyone hates long and boring posts, I'll leave you with some pictures taken from Satuday night:

All the lovely GB's.The badass Thetas.Youngins.My dorky pledge bros.The ladies of ASR.Mmm Yum!Carol and Jen.The um... sober ones.Me and Park.Thumbs up to Joy and Gary.
Pictures courtesy of Jen

Oh, and the highlights of my weekend...
  • The nice little pile of seaweed and rice someone left outside Stephanie's door looks delicious.
  • When Stephanie had a hard time keeping her eyes open.
  • Since when did "tiredness" become synonomous with "drunk"?
  • Phuong washed her hair with two different shampoos because she thought one of them was conditioner.
  • Washing my sunburnt face with face scrub and loofaing my burnt legs hurts like hell. I'm so stupid.
  • I miss my phone and talking to a certain someone with it. =(
  • "Well If I get an eyepatch and be a pirate, and you wear those sunglasses and be Stitch, we can be..."
         "Be what? Pirate and Stitch?"

    Okay that's all goodbye.

  • Tuesday, April 13, 2004

    Oops. I pulled another whole 5 days without updating. I apologize sincerely.

    In all honesty, I have not had the chance or the time to sit down, upload pictures, and tell stories. As you know, ample amounts of effort, thought, love, and care goes into each and every post in hopes of enhancing your lives and maybe, just maybe, you - my dear 6 readers - will click out of this window with a sense of elation and enlightment.

    In other words, I've been lazy as hell and just didnt feel like updating.

    But. I did have an awesome weekend, although it's quite nice to finally be back in my room. Last night was the first night since last Wednesday that I slept in my own bed [you know, as opposed to other people's floors and futons...]

    So anyway...

    Phuong, Vivian, Stephanie and I crashed at Julie's. I don't quite remember what we did that night aside from bumming around and eating sunflower seeds. Oh yes. Sunflower seeds. More addicting than cocaine.

    We left bright and early in the morning. I did jackshit for a few hours and then took Sarah to the airport so that she could go home for Easter weekend. Afterwards, the "usuals" and I go back to Julie's and laid out by the pool for awhile. We then proceeded to stay up for outrageous amounts of hours and eat ridiculous amounts of food. [Much thanks to Julie for providing a place for us and food to eat.]

    Capri Suns RULE!I <3 Vivi.Food coma.Stephanie loves me.

    Woke up at around 3 in the afternoon, but we just rolled around and did nothing until 7. That's when we realized how absurd it was that we still haven't gotten off our lazy asses to go out and do something on a Saturday night. So we decied to go to McDonalds, order a bucket of 50 chicken nuggets, and go back to Stephanie's to roll around and do nothing there instead. We watched One Hour Photo, The Piano, and The Pianist all in one sitting. I like the latter the best, although I was horribly depressed after watching it.

    Proof that Stephanie likes being straddled.Cheeks!

    Crawfish night and Gary and Joy's. Holy shit, it was delicious. With the help of us girls, we were able to finish off a 41-pound bag of crawfish. And yes, we are all a big bunch of fatty fat fatties who will all probably die of high cholesterol by the time we are 32. We topped the night off with some chocolate fondue while watching Battle Royale. Nothing beats dipping strawberries in warm chocolate to the screamings of young Japanese kids dying and killing each other in the most obscene ways. And just FYI, we are probably the most masochistic group of people you'll ever meet. Thank God for games where the sole purpose is to hurt each other. But. Much thanks to Joy and Gary for making us amazing food, and providing us with some great laughs.

    The girls going at it with the crawfish.Meet Frank.Mmm. Yum.Joy's the coolest because she cuts pound cake into the shape of a star just for me.Hey Stephanie, 1987 called and they want their hair back.... But I still love you.

    Goddamn, I'm not even going to go into just how lazy this day was. All I can say is, I blame Stephanie, and Din-Ho is delicious.

    And others...
    Congratulations to ASR Eta and GB Theta classes!

    [Especially to my lil' bro Ian and lil' sis Heidi - You guys did it, and I couldn't be prouder!]


  • I never realized how much of a necessity my cell phone was until I lost it for a day. Thanks to Joy for bringing my life it back to me.
  • TV Sucks at 3 in the morning.
  • Vivian made me this over the weekend:

    Isn't it pretty?

  • So it only makes sense that I make one in return, right?

    Thank goodness for the clone tool in Photoshop.

  • Mario Kart is still as fun as I remembered it. And Stephanie is getting way better at Bob-omb that I'm almost scared to play her now. Almost.
  • To my beautiful roommate, Sarah - I hope you feel better soon, and hurry back. My room is so lonely without your crazy ass in it.
  • Speaking of roommates, I think I've found whom I shall be living with next year, and possibly for the next 3 years. Nothing is certain yet, but I'm just keeping my fingers crossed in hopes that everything will turn out right.
  • I still can't believe that someone would eat chewed up food from my mouth. You are my hero.
  • The hug stealer decided to give the hugs back. My life can function properly once again.
  • And...

    I love Julie because she lets me borrow her glasses.I love Stephanie because she lets me pick her boogers.I love my Zetas because they have fine asses.And I love my ASR sisters because they make me happy.

    So here's your update. Eat it.
    [Sorry for the occasional long paragraphs - I know how much you people hate them. *Cough* Vivian *Cough*]

  • Thursday, April 8, 2004

    Goshdarnit, I was such a cute baby.

    200% Love.

    Hi. I'm looking for Pebbles, Bam Bam, and the rest of my family.

    Sigh. What the hell happened?

    S e h n E 13: the first picture makes me want you!
    S e h n E 13: i cant tell if its the facial expression or what
    S e h n E 13: i want to eat it
    S e h n E 13: your face is just shouting "eat me. im cute and yummie."

    Wednesday, April 7, 2004

    Two amusing links for the day:

    The Penny Arcade Remix Project - A guy in Japan gets his high-school class to fill in whited-out word bubbles from the ever so popular comic strip, Penny Arcade. Hilarity ensues. He says, "I hope as you read these comics you'll be laughing at their honest attempts at humor, their intentional non-sequiturs, and their offbeat cultural references - not just at their grammar and spelling mistakes. I doubt most of us could do much better at writing comics in Japanese." What will those crazy Japanese kids come up with next? [Link courtesy of the Boy.]

    Own C-Section? - "It is thought to be the first known case of a self-inflicted caesarean in which both the mother and baby survived." All I can say is, that is pretty fucking hardcore. [Link via Thomas]

    And my favorite quote from today is by the lovely Emma:

    "My guy friends are like, wow she's a hot asian I'd like to meet and then I gag and say she's Tammy, not asian!"

    Apparently, you all have been greatly mistaken. I'm really not Asian. Sorry I lied.

    Sunday, April 4, 2004

    Holy cow, I haven't updated in 5 days? What have you guys done with yourselves in my absence?

    Here's what I did.

  • I watched Texas Revue. Twice. I loved all the acts, and I can't wait until next year's.
  • It was Texas Round-Up this weekend. Which means there were lots of frat parties and drunk strangers roaming the streets (and possibly mooning innocent people...).
  • After much putting-off, Stephanie finally got her tongue pierced! And of course, I got a little camera happy whilst at the piercing place.

    'Hey Vivian! Stick out your tongue! No really, stick out your tongue!'Joy.Julie.Phuong.

    And of course, our dearest Stephanie...

    Before.During.After. Yay!

  • Tubing down the Guadalupe river would have been fun if the water wasn't so fucking cold.
  • I've become Stoopid's third roommate for the weekend. Thanks, you, for letting me steal your blanket and bed and food.
  • Thanks to Connie for cooking us the delicious meal.
  • I watched Labyrinth, School of Rock, and Gothika with the girls this past weekend. Labyrinth was just as great, or... weird, as I remembered. I wonder what the movie would be like on shrooms. School of Rock was funny and the kids were adorable. And Gothika... well, as Julie so adequately puts it: gothika was just stranged. or maybe it was because we watched it with the light on, or stephanie was half-asleep, or vivian & tammy were hiding under a blanket, or i just kept slapping myself in the face. that movie sucked.
  • Someone PEED IN OUR CLOSET this weekend. weroirewjklewroivxc!!!&*($#&!*&#$
  • I finally did my laundry. After 4 loads, and at least 10 times with the dryer, I finally have clean clothes again.

    I need to go put away my freshly cleaned clothes, and then watch ungodly amounts of Meteor Garden [No, that's not me who reviewed the article.] I leave you with a little Sonic the Hedgehog. Only because he likes chilidogs though.


    S e h n E 13: i think youre really sexy
    S e h n E 13: i just dont say it all the time
    SooshiMooshi: oh okay
    SooshiMooshi: well thanks
    S e h n E 13: b/c i have a hard time expressing myself
    S e h n E 13: and how i feel about you
    SooshiMooshi: uh huh
    S e h n E 13: ok, im blushing now...