So far, Karen has the best Boat Party Xanga entry. Go read it.
ASR had their Spring Crush last night. We had another boat party, only this time it was a late-night one.
When we got to the dock and then onto the boat, the full moon was bright and all the stars were out. Vivian - I think I even saw Mini-Me Dipper. Then, we started drinking and eating our ridiculous amounts of pizza while riding through the gorgeous moon-lit lake. It was an absolutely beautiful night.
For about 30 minutes.
First comes the lightening. Which wasn't that bad because it was actually kind of romantic as some would put it. Then comes the wind. Which wasn't that bad either because the breeze felt really nice.
The comes the storm. AND THE HAIL. OH MY GOD THE HAIL.
So picture this: A group of almost 50 people huddled together in the bottom deck of a boat. All of us wearing life jackets, grabbing onto each other for dear life. Bottles, cups, pizza boxes, chairs, and anything else not secured flying out in every direction. Waves of water splahing onto the sides of the boat. All of us getting drenched and pelted with hail... hard. It was like a scene straight out of The Perfect Storm.
Only better because there were drunk sorority girls in it.
But in all seriousness, I've never felt like my life was in actual danger until last night. I seriously was thinking about how long I could hold my breath under water, whose life jacket I would have to steal, whose body I was gonna eat in case we get stranded and how far I would have to swim to shore just in case the boat tipped over.
And of course, the moment we got back to the dock, the storm passed, the rain stopped, and the clouds parted. I think it was God's cruel punishment for us partying on Good Friday. Speaking of which, why is it called Good Friday when Jesus was nailed to a cross and died for all our sins? But I digress...
Thankfully, aside from a few scuffs from the hail, no one fell out or got injured. And I'm really glad that there was no boat tippage. I do feel bad, however, for the people who lost their purses and belongings due to the storm (but at least we're alive, right?). As for me? My purse got soaked and my phone (which was in it) is now broken. So until I get it fixed, you're just gonna have to deal with IMing me. Not that you ever call me anyway. Bitch.
So yeah, what an insane night. I'm glad we all made it out okay. All in all, I've gotta say that it was the best boat party, EVER. There's nothing quite like thinking you're gonna die to end a night.
To the ladies - I love you guys. Seriously.
To Stephanie - it was good to see you again... drunk. I hope you remember seeing me.
And to Daniel - thanks for braving the storm with me. Like you said yourself, ASR parties are, indeed, crazy.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Brought to You By
2:23 PM
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Hi. I have a huge vagina. Nice to meet you.
its tamzilla: well are you having sexual frustrations?
Name Changed to Protect the Innocent Guilty: i would if it wasn't for all of those hookers.
its tamzilla: haha
its tamzilla: figures
NCtPtG: what? i like crusty loose vaginas.
its tamzilla: you like it where you're able to stick both your hands into them
its tamzilla: and then CLAP.
NCtPtG: like yours?
its tamzilla: exactly.
NCtPtG: i crawled all the way in your vagina once. you were asleep.
its tamzilla: oh hrm. didnt feel a thing
NCtPtG: i thought you might wake up, but it's so big that i actually rode my bike around for a while with no problem.
its tamzilla: aw well im glad you had a good time
NCtPtG: yeah. i was going to do jumping jacks, but i got thirsty so i had to go get a drink.
NCtPtG: ...
NCtPtG: wait.
NCtPtG: nevermind.
And we wonder why we don't have any friends...
Brought to You By
12:28 AM
Saturday, March 19, 2005
It's official. I'm the big 2-0. The most useless age that comes after 19.
But I'm 22 according to my ID and that's all the matters, right?
Anyway, thank you Nisha, Vora, Daniel, Kelli, Andrew, and Julie for taking me out tonight and getting me completely obliterated. Y'all are awesome.
And lots of hugs and kisses to the rest of you who sent me IM's, text messages (even if they're on the wrong day), and phone calls to wish me a Happy Birthday. To feel like I actually have friends for one whole day... it means a lot. Thanks, guys.
I love you.
Round II.
Thank you Kelli, Julie, PHUONG (I loved the surprise), Vivian, Annie, Joy (you're such a bitch for making me think that you got in a car wreck, but I love you anyway), Richard, Michael, Charlie, and Daniel for joining me at our beloved Trudy's and watching me drink my two Mexican Martinis. Thanks for poking my forehead, trying to take pictures, and laughing at me instead of with me. I appreciate it.
And for the rest of you (I don't know if I can name you all) who came to 311 later on in the night, you're thu-per, thanks for asking.
And Joy - thank you SO much for the keg. I still can't belive you actually got me - the one shot wonder - one. You're insane, but I love it. Now we need to have THE SEX.
Once again, thank you all so much for making my 20th memorable. It's been fun.
Brought to You By
4:25 AM
Thursday, March 17, 2005
What? Mid-Spring Break already?
So anyway, Vivian and I joined Richard, Ian, and Mike on the lake for a "romantic getaway". We definitely had some good times. Like...
And the pictures...

So anyway, my room has been an absolute disaster. I had about a month's worth of laundry, trash, books, and such strewn all over the floor. It was about damn time that I cleaned it all up. It's nice having a clean room again. Now about the rest of the apartment...

Oh, want to see want to see what I spent my first two paychecks on? Voila!
So that's that. No one wanted to get green beer tonight with me for St. Patrick's Day. Good thing there's lots of dirty clothes and dishes to keep me busy. Woohoo!
By the by, are you gonna be here on Saturday, because I'm having a little get-together at our apartment for my big 2-0. You should come and watch me get drunk off two shots...
Oh who am I kidding? One shot.
Brought to You By
11:10 PM
Tuesday, March 8, 2005
So. Change of plans. I will not be going to L.A. for Spring break because my manager wasn't able to give me a whole week off. Plus, it'll be really expensive for me to go for just a few days. Boo to that.
To Sivan - I'm so, so, so sorry about this. I feel terrible, but I promise I'll make it up to you this summer.
But, I did manage to get Mon-Wed off next week. So. Party! I'm thinking about going to Six Flags (on Monday, maybe?) in San Antonio, so tell me if you want to go. I want you to be there with me because I love you. And... I'm still open to other plans. Let's play!
GB's are having a house party this Thursday: Get Lucky. Go and get lucky with me :D

My brother wants me to move in with him next year because he's thinking about buying a newer, bigger house. Problem is, it's going to be far, and I really don't want to commute. What should I do?
I love this picture:

I stayed up watching The Two Towers and Return of the King with Richard, Ian, and Michael this past weekend. I had forgotten how badass these movies were. And you will never catching me complaining about looking at Aragorn and Legolas for 6 hours straight.
Drop It Like a FOB - Stupidly funny. Thanks, Danny.
You guys don't give me cookies anymore. And that makes me sad. And when I'm sad, I never want to update. Because I feel so unloved. Why do you hate me when I love you so much? I can't take this. It's like a one-way relationship. I just... I can't do this anymore... always expecting you to be there and you're not. You know what? IT'S OVER.
Brought to You By
12:17 AM
Wednesday, March 2, 2005
I went to see Varekai tonight with Damon and Vivian, and I was completely blown away. It was well... absolutely incredible. I saw things that I thought would be humanly impossible to do. All in all, it was an amazing and breath-taking show. Thank you Damon and Vivian for coming with me and being the best dressed people there.
So my teeth still hurt a lot. I hate it and I want to die.
Okay, that's a little extreme, but I do wish someone would kick me in the knees so I can focus the pain elsewhere.
I saw Hitch last night with Ian. And uhhh... no. Will Smith should stick to the lame one-liners and big action flicks we're all so used to seeing him in. Anything remotely funny in the movie we've already seen in the previews, and the rest of it just kinda... sucked. Well, it wasn't all terrible, but it wasn't by any means great. Although, I must admit, getting drunk off Benadryl is pretty awesome. Anyway, at least I still had fun with my favorite Ian in the whole world - thank you.
This is the coolest. Damnit VW's - you guys have the best car commercials and my Altima is jealous.
I don't wanna work tomorrow.
I'm going to go whine about my mouth pains some more now. Goodnight.
Brought to You By
12:18 AM