An update on the January 27th post on my friend's conversations:
I called my math teacher "Mr. Calculus" today in class. Totally did not mean to. [I tried to say, "Mr. King, I'm trying to focus on my calculus," but it came out wrong.] This is almost as good as when Molly accidentally called him "Britney".
[In response to a hideous drawing of a graph our teacher drew on the board...]
"Dude... Mr. King sucks at abstract algebra."
New quote of the day:
"We're having a fire drill during Calculus class... this must mean that Calculus from hell."
Ahhh... only further proof as to why we are the biggest dorks on the face of the planet.
Thursday, January 30, 2003
Brought to You By
4:28 PM
Tuesday, January 28, 2003
I got an email right as I finished filling out my financial aid stuff for college... It was one of those survey thingies that were ever so popular back in the olden days (like 6th and 7th grades). I didn't even think they still existed! So much to my delight, I filled it out. Now, I will share it with the rest of you and let all of you treasure and hold it dear to your hearts for the rest of your lives... [Warning: Extremely long and unecessary, and full of stuff you would never need or want to know about me.]
Full name: Tammy Cheng
Aliases: Tien-pei, Taiwammy, Meat Head, Boo, Tamzilla, Whammy, "Tiiimmmmaaayyyy", Ho-bag, Dorkwad
Birthday: 3-18-1985 (Mark it on your calendar, folks.)
Birthplace: Taiwan
Home as of now: Nashville. Or, should I say, Ca$hville?
Height: 5'7''
Siblings: Other brother - T
Pets: My mom told me "no pet rocks". =(
Nationality: Taiwanese, biatch! (You have to say it like that...)
Eye color: Dark brown
Hair color: Black with highlights.
Best feature: My hands
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
First crush: A boy named Steven from 1st grade. We got married, too.
Boyfriend/girlfriend of now: David
Crush: Your mom.
Color of your room: White
Hobbies: Chilling with friends, watching movies at Molly's, listening to music, messing around on the computer.
What were you doing 15 mins ago: Doing financial aid stuff
What are you wearing now: My Diesel jeans and my animal crackers hoodie.
Do you smoke? Ew, no.
Do you drink? No
Are you shy or outgoing? Mostly outgoing, but can be shy at times.
What do you want from a partner? Hot monkey sex every single night. Niceness, honesty, and cookies.
Tan or fair: Depends on who it is.
Punk or prep: I don't know... I like both.
Older/younger: Older
Smart/dumb: S-m-r-t
Funny/serious: Mostly funny, but have to know when to be serious.
All I need is... Friends, sleep, some lovin', hugs, orange juice, muchas kisses, food.
Love is.... one of the best things ever, and yet one of the crappiest things ever.
I'm afraid of... spiders. Oh, and I also have this irrational fear of me flying out the car if the door's unlocked when it's going 60 mph. Then, I will get run over by the wheels like that woman did in Speed and then crash into some oncoming car's windshield. That person will then have to use his or her windshield wipers to wipe all that blood off...
I dream about... "Army of Rats", getting into college, things I don't remember anymore.
Coke or Pepsi? Coke
Flowers or Candy? Both are tasty =)
Scruff or Clean Shaven? Mmm... I like both for this one too.
What do you notice first? Smile
Last person you slow-danced with? David
Worst thing said to you? Uhh... Let's not go there. ^_~
Makes you laugh the most? Molly, Heather, NN, Lindsey, David, Ari (only because we're laughing *at* him...), Carly, Sivvy, Lauren.
Makes you smile? All my friends have the ability to do that...
Gives you a funny feeling when you see them? David... but in the good way!
Has a crush on you? That guy at Krystals...
Easier to talk to... Boys or girls?: Girls
Sit all day waiting for someone special to IM you? Once in a while, yeah.
Save aol/aim conversations? I used to, but not anymore.
Cried because of someone saying something to you? Um. Yes. >_<
Been in love? Mmmhmm. As we speak.
Fallen for a best friend? Almost... (Haha~ Esther... ^_~)
Been rejected? Mmmhmm.
Rejected someone? Yeah...
Been cheated on? Not that I know of... I sure hope I haven't!
Cheated on someone? No
Made out with JUST a friend? No
Been in lust? Yeah...
Used someone? I use people for their brain power. And food.
Been used? For cheap, meaningless sex? No.
Been kissed? Yeah
Done something you regret? Only one or two things. I try to live life without any regrets, as cliche as that sounds.
Color your hair? Highlights
Have tattoos? No
Piercings? Yes. Pleanty.
Floss daily? No. I'm too lazy.
Own a webcam? No.
Ever get off the damn computer? Not nearly enough.
Sprechen sie deutsche? DuHast? No?
Habla espanol? Si, pero... I SUCK AT IT.
Considered a life of crime? Now that you mention it...
Considered being a hooker? Now that you mention it...
Considered being a pimp? I *am* a pimp.
Are you psycho? Yes. Muahahahaha.
Split personalities? What? You haven't met my friend, Alfred?
Schizophrenic? I used to be, but we're okay now.
Obsessive? Over certain things... Like, I can't stand it when people touch my throat. [And please, don't do that if you see me because it will really freak me out and I'll have trouble breathing. And then I might have to punch you in the face.] I think I was strangled as a baby.
Obsessive compulsive? Not that I know of.
Panic? Yeah.
Anxiety? Yeah.
Depressed? Sometimes. Very rarely though.
Suicidal? Nah.
Obsessed with hate? No.
Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? Once. But I didn't like that dream.
What are you listening to? The Hives - Hate to Say I Told You So
Can you do anything freakish with your body? No! I wish I could though!
Chicken or fish? Chicken
Do you have a favorite animal? Pandas and tigers.
Food: Sushi
Drink: Dr. Pepper and orange juice
Color: Blue, pink, black, and silver
Shoes: My rip-off Timberland clogs.
Candy: Twix, strawberry Creamsavers
TV Show: Gilmore Girls, Will and Grace, That 70's Show
Vegetable: Cauliflower
Fruit: Grapes, oranges, watermelon, peaches... Actually, I like pretty much every fruit except apples.
Number: 2
Holiday: Christmas
Radio station: The radio sucks balls.
Understanding: Try to be
Arrogant: I hope not
Insecure: Somtiemes
Interesting: Is that just a nicer way to say "really weird"?
Hungry: All the time
Friendly: Try to be
Smart: I can be if I really applied my self, which I don't, so...
Moody: Sometimes
Childish: All the time
Independent: Yes, and Destiny's Child says so.
Hard working: I'm the biggest slacker...
Organized: Not really
Healthy: Eh.
Emotionally stable: Most the time
Shy: Not often
Difficult: As a girlfriend? Yes.
Attractive: To mosquitos.
Bored Easily: Yes
Thirsty: Yeah
Responsible: Try to be
Sad: Sometimes
Happy: Try to be
Trusting: I hope so
Talkative: Too talkative =P
Original: Sometimes
Different: Sure
Unique: Okay
Lonely: Yeah, I miss Boy.
Kill: No one.
Look Like: Catherine Zeta Jones
Be Like: Alf
Talk To Offline: Carly or David or Sivvy
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? Hot chocolate
McDonalds or Burger King? Burger King
Marry the perfect lover or a best friend? Best friend
Sweet or sour? Oooh both together
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? Dr. Pepper
Sappy/action/comedy/horror? Comedy
Cats or dogs? Dogs
Ocean or Pool? Ocean, as long as it's not as gross as the one we went to in Taiwan.
Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? Nacho Cheese
Mud or Jell-O wrestling? Jell-O
With or without ice-cubes? With
Shine or rain? Shine
Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? Spring
Vanilla or Chocolate? Chocolate
Cake or cookies? Cookies... or maybe brownies... mmm...
Cereal or toast? Cereal
Fly or breathe under water? Fly
Bunk-bed or waterbed? Waterbed
Chewing gum or hard candy? Gum
Lights on or off? Off
Brought to You By
9:40 PM
Monday, January 27, 2003
We are such nerds
Me: So, what's the hardest math that you've ever had to take?
Calc Teacher: Mmm... Abstract algebra.
Me: Ew. What is that?
Friend: "Paint this function..."
*Entire class cracks up*
Friend: You know, we only had half a snow day last year, we should use those snow days this year.
Me: Yeah, roll-over snow days. You know, like, roll-over minutes? Um. Nevermind.
Friend from Anatomy: I love you from the bottom of my right ventricle.
Me: Haha, remember that part from Crossroads...
Friend: ...
Me: Remind me never to start a conversation like that again.
Teacher: Now I'm sure you all are just dying to do the essay portion of the test, but I'm only going to have you guys write a thesis and three main points instead.
Friend 1: Aw, dang it. I was really looking forward to writing two long European History essays.
Friend 2: That makes two of us!
[Our English substitute teacher made us write an essay on what we wanted to be when we grow up.]
Friend: I want to be a superhero, and have mad crazy superhero hair. And my name would be Captain Big Hair. And I will defeat the ultimate villian: Mr. Calculus aka the ANTI-Derivative.
Brought to You By
10:21 PM
And for yesterday...
Oh, and Bear? Thanks for an amazing and wonderful 2 years, I love you. =)
Brought to You By
10:15 PM
This week is going to be the first full week of school this month. It's going to SUCK ASS.
Excuse me while I jab dull pencils into my face.
Brought to You By
12:44 AM
Saturday, January 25, 2003
Tammy's favorite cheesy love song of the moment:
John Mayer - Comfortable
Brought to You By
1:49 AM
Friday, January 24, 2003
The Friday Five. Early, even.
1. What is one thing you don't like about your body? One thing? I could go on for days. Hrmm... I absolutely despise the horrible, horrible cramps I get every time my period starts.
2. What are two things you love about your body? I actually kinda like my hands. And... I like my ears because I can put stuff through them.
3. What are three things you want to change about your home? Get more comfortable couches, a bigger TV, and a jacuzzi. Oohhh... jacuzzi...
4. What are four books you want to read this year? I don't read. Well, okay - all three books of The Lord of the Rings and Fight Club.
5. What are five promises you have kept to yourself?
a. Not to sell my soul... yet
b. Take lots of pictures
c. Concentrate more on college stuff Eat more brownies and cheesecake
d. Not to sell my body for crack
e. Drink more water.
Brought to You By
12:04 AM
Thursday, January 23, 2003
So this past Tuesday, I said that I went to a friend's house to bake brownies and watch a movie. I guess I didn't say exactly which movie. This one. Yes, boys and girls, that is Crossroads, starring none other than the wonderful Ms. Britney Spears. See how we were holding that DVD with such delicacy? Well, that's because the movie is a national treasure. At least, it should be considered one. It was definitely one of the BEST movies I have ever seen... filled with action-packed adventure, plus a surprise twist at the end. And when I say BEST, I mean it was absolutely atrocious and I want 93 minutes of my life back. Granted, it *was* fun to laugh at Britney's sleeves at the end of the movie... ("Hey uh... Lucy, my mom called, and she wants her bedsheets back.")
I really have no idea why we chose to watch Crossroads when Molly has a ton of other DVDs at her house. "A ton" meaning 9 hundred something DVDs, all in alphabetical order, complete with a movie database on her computer and library check-out cards in each DVD box. Don't believe me? Take a look. [Closeup] I don't ever need to go rent movies because she has friken Blockbuster in her own home.
Anyway, I am really really cold, and me wearing a big puffy jacket with gloves doens't help. This single-digit-degrees thing has gotta stop. Now.
Brought to You By
11:02 PM
There is a God.
Another 2 day week and 4 day weekend due to snow. Yay! I am happy.
I also have to pee.
Brought to You By
10:23 PM
Tuesday, January 21, 2003
I had a good 3 hours of school today. It didn't start until 9:15 (which was nice, except my mom woke me up at 6:30 anyway...) and my real teachers weren't there because they were all on some IB program thing... I say "real" because my art teacher and the secretary of the office don't count as real teachers. So I signed out at 12:15 and went to lunch and now I'm home. I'm about to leave to go to a friends house to bake brownies and watch a movie.
Hurray for bullshit days! =)
Brought to You By
1:24 PM
Have you ever hurt so much that there isn't anything you can do except huddle in a fetal postion and cry and wish that someone would just shoot you in the face to put you out of your misery?
I feel like that once every month and I wish I was exaggerating.
Damn you, Dad, and your X chromosome. *Shakes fist*
Brought to You By
12:02 AM
Monday, January 20, 2003
So, who is Tammy, really?
Thank God for Googlism. Otherwise, I would never know who I truly am.
Brought to You By
11:17 PM
Saturday, January 18, 2003
I told Molly tonight that I need a gold grill with diamonds in it because they are so damn sexy. Then, Molly made my day by sending me this link and saying she would get me one for my birthday. For a little more than 4000 dollars, I will have the prettiest mouth, EVER!
In case you were pondering over just how awesome I would look with a gold grill on, let me show you the before and after pictures: Old and Busted ... New Hotness. See the difference? Now, don't you all want to go out and get yourselves some gold teeth as well so you can look as good as me?
You know, sometimes I wonder how I ever made friends.
[Thank you Molly, you are my personal Hero.]
Brought to You By
3:19 AM
Friday, January 17, 2003
Whee! Hey! I got a job just in time to answer these questions too!
1. Where do you currently work? Oh, you know...
2. How many other jobs have you had and where? None! Unless you count babysitting and teacher's aide.
3. What do you like best about your job? So far? After my one day of being there, I think I like talking to people, and hanging out with Big Steve.
4. What do you like least about your job? Obnoxious and rude customers. The guys who work in the kitchen who make kissy noises every time I go in to place an order.
5. What is your dream job? Culinary critic, fashion designer, co-owning a small yet cozy and fun coffeeshop with Esther... =)
Brought to You By
12:06 AM
Thursday, January 16, 2003
Hahahaha. The two new StrongBads are hilarious. [Thanks, Chris, for reminding me.]
Japanese Cartoon
"Draw an S for Snake. Or... Dragon..."
StrongBad, you light up my life. Where would I be without you? =)
Overheard conversation:
"Oh my god, can you believe her?? She picked the ugly guy over the cute one!"
"Yeah, I know! I feel so bad for him, I wanted to go over there and give him a hug cause he looked so disappointed."
"I don't really like her anymore after what she did to him..."
"Me neither. She's such a slut."
It took me a few more minutes to finally realize that they were talking about The Bachelorette - one of the worst television shows ever to be devised (right after the Anna Nicole Show, and 7th Heaven). I don't understand how you can possibly find the love of your life, the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with in 6 weeks on a television show on ABC. It's just... pathetic. God, I hate "reality" TV, though watching the Anna Nicole show does always seem to boost my self-esteem, because no matter how bloated or stupid I feel, I can always turn to her to make me feel beautiful and smart. Why get therapy when you've got the Anna Nicole Show?
Oh, and David, in case you were wondering how a pirate would look telling all those jokes you told me last night: Here. Just because I love you.
Brought to You By
8:58 PM
Holy hell. You know it's bad when you wake up from a nap to the music that someone is playing in the apartment below you. The base was so loud that the entire fucking building was shaking. *Sigh* People...
Brought to You By
5:44 PM
Snow day today. So I'm wondering... did someone put a gun to Garcia's head and force him to cancel school cause he couldn't have done it on his own free will. Oh well, I'm not complaining =) Driving home was a bitch though. It took me over 30 minutes to get home whereas it would usually take me 5. I also nearly killed myself when I couldn't break fast enough at an intersection. That must have been because I was speeding at 7 mph. Sweet. Anyway, we're not having school tomorrow, so I'll be enjoying my four day weekend.
I got a job, too. At one of my friend's restaurant. If you know where it is, then come say hi to me sometime! I work on Wed-Sat from 5-9. I can like, work the cash register. Or something.
Um... I guess this is going to be a quick post because I don't have anything to say, really. My life is a bore and TriPeaks is one of the most addicting card games, ever. Oh and my computer likes to take its sweet time doing everything.
Uh oh, I feel a nap coming on...
Brought to You By
12:14 PM
Friday, January 10, 2003
1. Where are you right now? In my room.
2. What time is it? 10:56pm
3. What are you wearing? My David shirt and blue pajama pants.
4. Any people or animals around you? Describe them. No. Unless you consider my big dog an animal. He's black and white and he sleep with me on my bed. I like to use him as a pillow.
5. What are your plans for the weekend? Today, Hips and I kidnapped our friend, Fathead (it was her 18th birthday on Wednesday, everyone say Happy Late Birthday!) from another friends house, and put a brown paper bag over her GIANT HEAD. Then we took her to 18 random, yet stupidly funny places and took a picture of her there with the bag still over her head. Then we took her to Carly's house where a couple of other people were already there waiting for us. Then some other friends joined us and we had cake and watched movies. It was fun. On with the rest of the weekend... I plan on catching up on a lot of sleep. That's all. Oh, and I have a couple of Predators tickets for the game tomorrow night that cost $70 each. But I'm not gonna be able to go... so... Call me if you are interested, if I like you, you can have them for free ^_~
I'm worn out from being a badass kidnapper. Just for the record, Hips and I are *so* awesome at kidnapping (not at all). I need sleep. G'night.
Brought to You By
11:03 PM
Tuesday, January 7, 2003
Hey look! A Vision Test! (Just for you, Chris)
Tell me how normal your vision is when you are done. ^_~
Brought to You By
4:43 PM
And as you know... I'm a fan of the weirdest shit.
I never knew soy sauce could be so dreamy and heroic. *Sigh*
Brought to You By
3:42 PM
Monday, January 6, 2003
Most of my socks have hole in them now. Help me out by pitching in to the Get-Tammy-Some-New-Socks fund.
Brought to You By
5:54 PM
So, I come up as #93 on yahoo's search for Tammy. Just thought I'd like to share. =)
Umm... The Dangerous Lives of Alter Boys is a pretty good movie. Sad, as well. However, I couldn't help but keep thinking about Home Alone since Kieran Culkin looks a lot like Macaulay Culkin, cause you know, they're like, brothers. [Exhibit A: Macaulay. Exhibit B: Kieran.] But don't worry, this movie is just a tad bit better than Home Alone.
Allllright. I'm going to bed cause I'm tired. And it's only 1am. Wow.
Brought to You By
12:49 AM
Sunday, January 5, 2003
*Yawn* Here...
1. Do you wear any jewelry? What kind? I have lots of earrings (7 total). I never take off this ring that my mom gave me... it was her engagement ring. I also don't take off a bracelet that Boy's mom gave me. Pretty. Umm... and I wear certain necklaces to go with whatever I'm wearing.
2. How often do you wear it? Right now I am wearing little hoops in my ears, and since they are hard to get in, I'll probably be wearing them for a while. And like I said, I never take off the ring or the bracelet.
3. Do you have any piercings? If so, where? I have my stomach belly button pierced. I want to get my nose pierced as well but I doubt I will.
4. Do you have any tattoos? If so, where? Nope. But I want a star on my lower back. I like stars a lot.
5. What are your plans for the weekend? Umm... seeing how it's already Sunday, I'll just do a little update. I went to see Lion King in IMAX with boy on Friday, which was amazing by the way. Today, I went to Boy's in the morning and made waffles for his family with the incredible waffle maker he got me for Christmas. (I love you!) Then, we went out to dinner and it was yumalicious. He is leaving tomorrow, Tammy is sad. =( Muy triste.
Me: *Sings Lion King* Sorry, I'm weird.
Boy: It's okay. That's why I like you so much.
Me: Yeah. You're kinda weird too. And I like you... so I guess we match.
Boy: Yeah. We fit.
We fit! =)
Anyway, I'm going to bed now for I have church tomorrow. Posts will be more common from now since I will be home more once school starts. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you all. ^_~ G'night.
Brought to You By
12:25 AM
Friday, January 3, 2003
Why would I need to look anywhere else, when I've got my own supply of Engrish at home?
A note from the mom:
Before your driving car, please change this newer license plate. Be careful drive!
Oh yeah, I got my car yesterday. Hurray for me! =)
Brought to You By
11:25 AM
Wednesday, January 1, 2003
Happy New Year, kids. My resolution? Be more nice to my mom. I'll let you know how that works out. ^_~
Brought to You By
4:46 PM