<<< Hugs are back. Stephanie? It's all you.
S e h n E 13: and you already have 331?!
S e h n E 13: wow
SooshiMooshi: ...
SooshiMooshi: those... are 5s
SooshiMooshi: and they were all yours
S e h n E 13: they are?
SooshiMooshi: yeah i got all of them back
S e h n E 13: oh wow
S e h n E 13: weird
S e h n E 13: look like 3's
S e h n E 13: oh no
S e h n E 13: its happened..i cant read numbers
S e h n E 13: my math has gotten THAT bad
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Brought to You By Tammy at 5:13 PM 0 Comments
Monday, March 29, 2004
So tonight, Anjuly says...
Her: You know, you really remind me of someone.
Me: Oh god, do I even want to know?
Her: It's not a bad thing. I think it's cute.
Me: Well, I'm not really shooting for "cute", here... But who do I remind you of?
Her: Have you seen Lilo and Stitch?
Me: Yeah? [And at this point, I was thinking maybe I reminded her of Lilo or Lilo's sister.]
Her: You look a lot like Stitch.
Apparently, she says that my eyes and my nose makes her think of Stitch.
First, it's a cat, and now it's Stitch?
What do you think? Do you see the resemblance?
Brought to You By Tammy at 10:43 PM 0 Comments
Sunday, March 28, 2004
I got back from my brother's about 30 minutes ago. Houston was fun, and I'm glad that I got to spend a whole day with Suzy, Terence, and Damon.
Now that I'm back in Austin, it's back to reality and I realize once again that I suck and I wish to kick my own ass. That's all.
Brought to You By Tammy at 1:28 PM 0 Comments
Friday, March 26, 2004
Make it sutpo!!!
S e h n E 13: did yoiu drnk the drunk ?
S e h n E 13: hahaha
S e h n E 13: i mean
S e h n E 13: did you drunk the dink?
S e h n E 13: shit
S e h n E 13: i meant to say
S e h n E 13: did you drunk the drunk
SooshiMooshi: hahaha
S e h n E 13: omg
S e h n E 13: seriously
S e h n E 13: wtf is wrong w/ me
S e h n E 13: omg
S e h n E 13: did
S e h n E 13: you
S e h n E 13: drink
S e h n E 13: the drink
S e h n E 13: there.
S e h n E 13: the
SooshiMooshi: wow
SooshiMooshi: and no.
S e h n E 13: i relaly do tyope better when i am drunk
S e h n E 13: omg
S e h n E 13: make it sutpo!
S e h n E 13: fuck
S e h n E 13: stup!
S e h n E 13: stop!
S e h n E 13: FUCK
SooshiMooshi: haha
S e h n E 13: (okay, stephanie stopp tyipnig now.)
SooshiMooshi: drunkie
S e h n E 13: omg.
S e h n E 13: no
S e h n E 13: im not durnk!
... And the sad part is, she really wasn't drunk. [It's okay, Stephanie. I love your typos. They make me happy!]
Brought to You By Tammy at 2:00 AM 0 Comments
Comenow111, please stop sending me instant messages. I do not need anymore online friends at the moment. Oh, and just for future reference, "ASL?" was so 6 years ago.
Brought to You By Tammy at 1:22 AM 0 Comments
Thursday, March 25, 2004
Peas Feel Better Soon
Boy: i fell asleep with my head at an angle on that green pillow earlier and now it hurts SOOOOOOOO bad
Boy: i want to chop my body up
Boy: and my throat is killing me but i can't stop coughing.
Boy: i blame you for all of this.
Boy: but. you're soft. so i'm not angry.
Girl: im sorry
Girl: i wish i could be there to make you feel better
Boy: it's okay. if i think about how soft you are, it makes me feel better.
Boy: i go watch basketball. back in a little while. i love you, soft.
Kristy1975: your site makes me want to gouge my eyes out, so i never have to read anything that gross again.
SooshiMooshi: hahahahahahaha
SooshiMooshi: i do it just to spite you
Kristy1975: you would
Kristy1975: you probably don't even like that kid. you just hate me so much you have to do it
Brought to You By Tammy at 10:15 PM 0 Comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
There was free Jamba Juice today [donations were accepted for the American Cancer Society]. So Stephanie and I grasped this opportunity to obtain some free smoothies that would normally cost almost 5 dollars. However, the free Jamba Juice deal didn't start until 2 in the afternoon.
We met up at 12:15.
You know, just in case the line was obscenely long and we would have had to wait an hour and 45 minutes just for a drink. FREE FOOD DOES NOT COME CHEAP, MY FRIEND.
Anyway, we come to find out that there was no line. To kill time, we walked up and down the Drag and wandered into stores that sold things at astronomical prices.
After that, we ventured our way into a couple of the arcades. That is where we saw a guy kick ass at DDR (though I must say that Stephanie was way better), where she and I raced each other in Cruisin' USA EXOTIC, and where we came across this game:
We then each got our Jamba Juices and went our separate ways. The adventure stopped there.
In other news, I think I might be getting sick again. Everyone around me is/was sick just recently (Stephanie, Vivian, Kelli, Phuong, Sarah...) and I was doing just fine. I was fine when I spent 4 days straight with the girls in Dallas, I was fine when I spent ungodly amounts of time with Stoopid, and for cryin' out loud, one of them is my friken roommate! Then I go to North Carolina for Spring break, and I come back feeling like this. There is no one left to blame but the ENTIRE STATE itself. [Not really. I'm just bitter because I don't want to get sick again.]
Cock. Shit. Fuck. Balls.
Brought to You By Tammy at 11:23 PM 0 Comments
I hate life.
[Sorry, Stephanie. I know you put a lot of effort in giving me like, 488 of those hugs. I am going to go cry now.]
Brought to You By Tammy at 1:56 AM 0 Comments
Thank goodness for Dreamers. It makes the world go round.
...In YO PANTS!!!
[Uh... what?]
Story of the day:
[A little background information first - Stephanie does not have automatic locks in her car so you have to lock/unlock them manually. Sometimes we forget. Like I almost did today as she dropped me off in front of my dorm. But I remembered quickly so right before she drove away, I opened the door just to lock it.]
S e h n E 13: phuong was laughing at you and how you came back to lock the door
S e h n E 13: and i was like "hey, at least she remembered"
S e h n E 13: and she goes
S e h n E 13: "hey! i already locked it."
S e h n E 13: im like "what? you already locked what?"
S e h n E 13: "i already locked the door so i wont forget"
S e h n E 13: i was like.."uh, you know that you're going to have to lock it again rite?"
S e h n E 13: "huh? no. no i wont. i already locked it."
Phuong is my hero.
And in case you all didn't already know. I love my boyfriend. And he loves me. I think. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon babe!
S t e v e n HoMe: u are such a Freak!
Brought to You By Tammy at 1:45 AM 0 Comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
pink ess enz: can u send me songs
pink ess enz: !!!
pink ess enz: omg i feel so bad
pink ess enz: i feel like im using you :-(
SooshiMooshi: YOU ARE
SooshiMooshi: but i LIKE IT
SooshiMooshi: use me more
SooshiMooshi: please?
pink ess enz: ok
pink ess enz: suck my boob NOW!
pink ess enz: and after you do it
pink ess enz: i'm going to leave you
pink ess enz: forever
pink ess enz: until
pink ess enz: i want you to do it again
SooshiMooshi: okay
SooshiMooshi: that works
I leave you all with the most gruesomely awesome story I have ever read: Guts. Thank you, Chuck Palahniuk, for enlightening my life. [Link via Julie]
Brought to You By Tammy at 11:13 AM 0 Comments
Monday, March 22, 2004
Shaolin Soccer is being released in the states!! Woo hoo!
Brought to You By Tammy at 3:36 PM 0 Comments
Sunday, March 21, 2004
I just finished settling back into my dorm. It's nice finally getting off the planes and out the damn airports. I don't even remember the last time I got as airsick as I did today. Whew.
Speaking of vomit, here's the weekend update with the Boy:
Her: For what?
Him: To burn things.
Her: What kind of things?
Him: I don't know... I was thinking something along the lines of... stuff.
Anyway, thank you David, for my UNC bear and sweatshirt, the yummy cake with an inch of frosting, keeping me warm at night when I'm shivering in my fetal position, making duck face and noises with me instead of thinking I'm strange, putting a smile upon my face, letting me listen to my Usher in the car even though I know you hate it, buying Midol for me by yourself, and most of all, just making me genuinely happy. I love you.
Kristy1975: your blog makes me want to vomit
Kristy1975: profusely
Hahahaha. I've done my job.
Brought to You By Tammy at 11:12 PM 0 Comments
Friday, March 19, 2004
Every year my birthday seems to fall over Spring Break. Sometimes that's a bad thing because everyone is off at the beach or the mountains or somewhere equally fun, having a grand ol time while my happy self gets to stay home.
And cry.
But then there are years where I get to go and have some fun of my own. This (and last!) is one of those years. And I lucked out because not only do I get to celebrate my birthDAY, I get to celebrate my birthWEEK. Aww yeah.
Anyway, thank you guys for all the IMs, phone calls, text messages, etc, and for making me feel like I have friends for one whole day. Yay! I'm speshial.
At least... I thought so.
SooshiMooshi: i'm old! ew! no one will love me anymore
Cy13: that's not true...
Cy13: no one loves u now
Cy13: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
My boyfriend made me a cake! And he even sang to me while he brought it out. =)
Brought to You By Tammy at 11:05 PM
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
I'm in North Carolina right now chillin with the boy. More stories to come later.
S e h n E 13: so is that what you guys are doing tom. night?
S e h n E 13: watch the game that is
S e h n E 13: not suck it
SooshiMooshi: how about sucking it *while* watching the game???
S e h n E 13: ew
S e h n E 13: bad mental images
S e h n E 13: ew
SooshiMooshi: hahaha
SooshiMooshi: so anyway, we are gonna go eat sushi tonight
S e h n E 13: OMG
Brought to You By Tammy at 7:12 PM 0 Comments
12:00pm: Car 1 (Julie and Kelli) depart with Mrs. Julie's Mom to Dallas.
2:14pm: After finishing my laundry, getting all our shit together, eating porkchops, rushing back and forth between dorms/apartments, getting gas, and buying snacks, Car 2 (Stephanie, Vivian, Phuong, and me) finally leaves Austin towards D-town.
2:18pm: I put in my badass Dallas Mix CD. It was a nice compilation of hip-hop ("I like this song, it has a nice beat."), Usher ("This song makes me go happy in my pants."), musical scores (so Stephanie can conduct), and so forth.
2:38pm: We start playing the license plate game. It really isn't a game as much as it is just to see how many different states license are on the road.
2:56pm: Stephanie and I start our hunt for DQs.
4:21pm: We passed by the catepillars. Which are essentially igloos for Texans.
5:32pm: We finally make it into downtown Dallas. Stephanie said I made good time.
6:03pm: We found our way to Julie's house in Garland. I passed out on her couch within 15 minutes after arriving there.
7:28pm: All of the girls left to go eat bulgogi ("bulgoga-who?") at a nearby Korean restaurant for an early birthday dinner. It was delicious. Thanks, you guys!
1:17am: After watching Super Troopers and taking mini-naps here and there at Julie's, Car 2 leaves to go to Phuong's place in Plano to crash.
7:08am: We wake up to the LOUDEST FAMILY IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE. Oh. My. Fucking. God.
"What are you dooooinnng, boy?"
"Is that a MONKEY?? NO! It's a SEAL!!!"
"Is he your niece?"
I freaking HATE The Wiggles. I hope they all burn and DIE. [Just kidding. I only hate them.]
Just for the record, I am never having kids. Ever.
11:26am: Car 2 goes incognito to eat Dim Sum that was so damn far away. But it was definitely worth the drive.
12:43pm: We drive damn far yet again back to Plano and go to Stonebriar mall. Vivian and Phuong go about their happy ways, while Stephanie and I drag our sleepy asses around.
4:52pm: We finally leave the mall and head back to Phuong's place where we passed out for a good 2+ hours.
8:13pm: Tom Thumb's sucks. Enough said.
9:35pm: Despite being loud beyond comparison, Phuong's family cooks really amazing seafood spaghetti.
11:00pm: We leave to go back go Garland to spend the night at Julie's. These pictures should suffice:
11:27am: We wake up. Ooops. We were supposed to be *at* Six Flags at 10. Oh well, Car 1 decides to sleep in as Car 2 hurries to get dressed and leaves.
12:03am: Yay! We made it to Six Flags! [Much thanks to Julie for the directions that were so accurate it was scary. We would be so lost if we didn't have them.] The rides were awesome, the funnel cakes were delicious, and the weather was perfect. All in all, it was a good day. [Pictures coming later. Maybe.]
6:57pm: Our dirty and exhausted selves made it to Phuong's brother's restaurant where we had expensive food for half the price.
9:33pm: Went back to Phuong's. Played on the computer. Passed out.
8:06am Got woken up by the Loud Family again.
This time...
"Want to drink some juice? Some juice? Drink some juice? Here's some juice. WHATHAPPENEDTOYOURSTRAW???"
"Look at the horsie! Look at the horsie!"
12:11pm: Car 2 departs for Austin. Thanks to Phuong's family for the tiny eggrolls and pineapples.
3:58pm: Hurray for being back at home! We found a total of 23 different license plates. Where are these people going?
The end.
To Julie, Stephanie, Kelli, and all you others who decided to stay in town - Hope you guys enjoy Austin. But not too much, because I'm not there.
To Vivian - Have lots of fun in Houston. Say hello to Chloe for me.
To Phuong - I now understand why you are the way you are. And I love you for that. Enjoy your time with your family in Dallas.
To Sivan - Hope you figure out something to do the rest of the time you are on Spring break. Boo to your friends who don't want to go to the beach.
To Molly - You're cool. PSYCHE!!! [Haha, just kidding, I love you, and I hope everything is going okay.]
To anyone else on Spring Break - Have lots of fun and be safe.
Brought to You By Tammy at 12:55 PM 0 Comments
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Spring Break is here!!!
I am going to Dallas bright and early sometime tomorrow afternoon with my favorite Stephanie, Vivian, Julie, Phuong, and Kelli. It should make for an interesting few days.
Then it's off to Chapel Hill to see the Boy and spend my birthday with him. Come to think of it, this will be the first birthday I will spend in the same state as him since we started dating over three years ago. It should make for a very nice 19th birthday.
And before I go, just a thought...
It is such a freaking small world. Not just small. But freaking small. Like WHOA.
Anyway, hope you kids on your SBs now too have lots of fun. Get drunk. Have sex. Shake it fast. But please, watch yourself. =)
Edit: Much thanks to Phuong and Stephanie for my presents. I adore them. Even my weird pink hamster thing cute Phluffles hippo. I love you guys. =)
I leave you with a little note:
Just for you...
Because everyone needs
a friend or two.
Give me hugs
and squeeze me too...
There's nothing I'd like better
Than to be loved by you.
Brought to You By Tammy at 2:19 AM 0 Comments
Friday, March 12, 2004
There are 9 people with "azn" somewhere in their screen names on my buddy list.
That makes me sad.
Brought to You By Tammy at 5:07 PM 0 Comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
A woman (with a sexy mullet, I might add) tries to pass a $1,000,000 bill off as real money. Hilarity ensues.
And my quote-of-the-day award goes to Vora:
"today i saw a guy do the macarena is his car to a bonethugs song and decided that was the kind of man i want to marry. hot damn."
Brought to You By Tammy at 2:40 PM 7 Comments
I hate hugs. I hope they DIE uiwoerjewirwepouewrpoiwe!!!
Stolen from the lovely Hips...
Give me more *HUGS*
get some of your own
Brought to You By Tammy at 2:01 PM 0 Comments
Stephanie and I went to Julie's last night for some... hamburger helper? Yum! (Thanks for making us food, Julie!) It's actually been a while since I've been there and it was nice to see the place at which I spent my life last semester yet again.
So I think I've spoken more Mandarin in a span of one night than I have this past year combined. But I've come to realize that my Chinese has become so bad that's it's kind of embarrassing. I need to go back to Taiwan and become more fobby.
Oh, and I had no idea how much fun it is to scare people off and watch them dart out of a car to run away. *High five* to Stephanie for successfully making others think we are the two strangest girls, ever.
I leave you with this because spelling is so overrated:
S e h n E 13: did i spell that write?
Brought to You By Tammy at 1:59 PM 0 Comments
I've missed talking to my Molly at ungodly hours of the night morning. I miss you, Fatty.
Kristy1975: i have a speech due at 1
Kristy1975: and i havent started
SooshiMooshi: nice
SooshiMooshi: whats it for
Kristy1975: oral comm
Kristy1975: guess what i'm doing it on
SooshiMooshi: what?
Kristy1975: procrastination. how bad is that?
Kristy1975: i could birth an elephant with my hips
Kristy1975: haha. freak.
Kristy1975: that was a fake laugh. i didn't laugh in real life. i am sorry for lying.
Kristy1975: theres a place here, where after 11, it's 6 donuts for a dollar
SooshiMooshi: 6 for a dollar?!
SooshiMooshi: my god. do they want to make america fatter than it already is!?
Kristy1975: yes?!?!
Kristy1975: haha
Kristy1975: i've gone three nights in a row
Kristy1975: we go at least 5 times a week
SooshiMooshi: jesus woman
Kristy1975: but somehow i lose weight. aint that crazy
SooshiMooshi: well shit. maybe i need to go on a donut diet
Kristy1975: i miss the spice girls.
Kristy1975: what do you think they are up to?
SooshiMooshi: i dont know
Kristy1975: still promoting girl power?
Kristy1975: cause i do
Kristy1975: GIRL POWER (whilst holding the peace sign with fingers)
Kristy1975: so don't be you.
Kristy1975: oh me
Kristy1975: o mean
Kristy1975: or
Kristy1975: i mean i
Kristy1975: i suck at life.
Brought to You By Tammy at 6:13 AM 0 Comments
Tuesday, March 9, 2004
Staying up to talk to my best friend rocks.
Psycogyrrl: oh man, im like normal-awake
SooshiMooshi: as opposed to... not... normal.. awake?
Psycogyrrl: as opposed to half awake?
Psycogyrrl: or... tired awake? like im over the "im tired" part
SooshiMooshi: ...
SooshiMooshi: so youre just... awake.
Psycogyrrl: shut up
Brought to You By Tammy at 6:18 AM 0 Comments
Monday, March 8, 2004
A full course meal at PF Chang's tastes that much better when it only costs 5 dollars.
But how authentic is this restaurant when they play Tori Amos?
And Ben, you are the coolest. Sorry I wasn't there to talk to you this afternoon.
bapple999: dangit man no one is online
bapple999: this stupid aol quick buddy doesnt tell me when people are away
bapple999: i hate my life
Brought to You By Tammy at 9:00 PM 0 Comments
I had a fantabulous weekend. ASR had Crush in Houston for this Spring semester so we could watch the Mavericks vs. Rockets game.
People I appreciate...
And yes, how could I forget?
Brought to You By Tammy at 12:03 AM 0 Comments